The date

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January 8th 2016 2:45pm
The bell rang for school to end. It was Friday, and the end of our first week back.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked Jeremy. We were still sitting at our seats in study hall.

"Yeah, I just need to go to my locker."

We each left the classroom and went in separate directions. When I got to my locker, I saw Kevin standing in front of it.

"So I was wondering if you would go to the Winter formal dance with me?" He asked.

Without hesitation, I replied. "Yeah, I think it sounds like a lot of fun." We each smiled.

"So do you want me to pick you up at your house?" He asked.

"Yeah, that would be really nice."

He walked away and I finished getting all my stuff. Jeremy and I always meet up in the student parking lot. Today, he drove us to school. So we were going to his house.

"Hey, ready to go?" He asked. I felt the bright sun hit my face.


We got into his van which once belonged to Tom. I told him about how Kevin asked me out.

"Yeah I knew it from day one that he liked you." He said.

"Just shut up and drive."

We rode in the car for a while. He lived pretty far away from the school, but I didn't mind driving. I liked being with him, even if he didn't have a beard.

"Did you get any negativity on your new look today?" I asked.

"No one really said anything besides in English. I guess no one cared enough, but that wasn't what I was going for."

He finished driving us to his house and we got out of the car. "Has Neil said anything to you?" I asked.

"No he just pretends I don't exist in the halls."

"Well what about at lunch and stuff? He just doesn't sit with you guys anymore?"

"I guess not. But I'm not complaining. He's the one who wanted me to choose between you and him. I don't want to be with someone who controls how I live my life."

I wanted to let him know that I have basically been trying to change his life ever since we met. But I don't think that would be appropriate.

We walked in his house. We were the only ones inside, like always. "When does your aunt get home again?" I asked.

"I don't know. Probably this weekend, she tends to be here at least twice a month. And it's already close to the middle of January."

There was a knock on the door, and Jeremy went to go answer it. I heard a familiar voice.

"Ally I'm sure you remember Tom." Jeremy said. They were each standing in front of me, and Tom wasn't exactly someone you would forget about.

"Yeah." Was all I could say.

"Well I lost power because my damn parents forgot to pay the bill. So now I'm here." He said.

To be honest, he shouldn't be living at home anyway. He's a grown man. My parents would throw me out if I was him.

"So what do you guys usually do?" I asked.

"Well it's Friday, so we should actually be doing something." Jeremy said.

I thought about it. "We could go mini golfing."

They both agreed immediately. Which was really weird because I thought it was a terrible idea. I also haven't been in like ten years.

We walked over to Tom's house and into his new car. It was a lot better than the piece of garbage Jeremy was driving. But nothing beats my car.

Tom pulled out of the neighborhood and onto the highway. The nearest mini golfing place I could think of was outside the county.

"Oh Jeremy I forgot to ask you, what happened to the caterpillar that used to be on your face?" Tom asked.

"Well truthfully, I was using my wood stove and I lit half of it on fire." He said. "So it was either this, or I have half a beard."

I laughed. "Jeremy what if that happened to the hair on your head? You would look so ridiculous bald."

"Thank Ally. Maybe tomorrow I'll shave my head."

"If you ever do something like that, I will have to disown you."

Tom pulled into the mini golf place and we all got out of the car. He paid for the three of us to play, which was nice.

"Does Tom have a job?" I whispered to Jeremy.

"Yeah, he works at Macy's."

I laughed. Something about him working there was priceless. That, is something I needed to see.

We went through the first few holes. Jeremy was actually a lot better than I thought he would be. He usually sucks at everything he does.

I looked at the little golf sheet they give you when you walk in. I was in second place, Tom was losing and Jeremy was winning. We were all actually pretty close to each other. And I love how they give you real golf pencils and paper when you play this, like it's the real thing.

We got to the last hole, and Jeremy won. "I had no idea you were so good at this." I said.

We all walked back to the beginning area to hand in the ball and clubs. Only like an hour had gone by, and the sun was starting to set.

"So where are we going now?" I asked as we pulled out.

"Well I think we're all broke, so we're going to go back to the house." Tom said.

I had a lot of fun with these guys. And I'm really looking forward to the dance. I've never had a real boyfriend or date before. I was really shocked that someone would even consider asking me. I guess I'm hard to resist.

Or maybe this is all a joke and it's like Carrie. Maybe when I go, I will get a bucket of pigs blood dumped all over me.

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