The suicide

86 4 2

December 16th 2015 4:05pm
"Ok, I'm calling 911. Go over to my house and see if she's inside."

I hung up the phone with her mom and sprinted across the street, nearly getting hit by a car.

I busted into the house and scared the living hell out of Julia's brother, Max. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked.

"Where is your sister?"

"How the hell should I know?" He asked, shoving me to the side and running elsewhere.

"Julia!?" I screamed and didn't hear anything. I kept shouting for her and I searched all the rooms upstairs. She wasn't in hers, but her bathroom door was locked.

"Julia open the door!" I banged my fist on it. All I could hear was water running her her moaning inside. I grabbed one of her trophies and broke the doorknob off. Pushing the door open.

The floor was soaking wet and she was sobbing on the floor. There was blood everywhere. You couldn't not step in it.

"Julia!" I screamed. I ran up to her, she was unconscious and unresponsive.

"Hello?" I heard her mom yell from downstairs.

"She's in her bathroom!" I yelled back. I heard multiple footsteps coming up the stairs and I made room for her to come inside.

""Oh Julia!" She cried and went to hug her. I left the bathroom and sat on her bed. One of the EMT ladies walked into the bathroom and started doing all these tests on her.

"She doesn't have a pulse." The lady said. She wrote her time of death on a small sheet of paper.

Her mom ran into me and and gave me a bear hug. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her brother crying in the upstairs hallway. I didn't know what to do now. If I had known Jules was going to do this, I never would have told the principal. It's all my fault.

"I think you should go home now." Her mom said. I handed her a tissue when we walked by the bathroom and hugged her one last time.

I walked over to my own house and watched everything unfold from my front window. I watched them roll her body into the ambulance, and my mom pulled into the driveway.

I ran out the door as fast as I could to tell her what was going on. I approached her as she left the car and started to speak.

"Ok so I was finally able to prove that it wasn't me who had the knife in school after all. Only the person who did have it was Julia, and I ratted her out. She got expelled from school, went home and posted a video online, and killed herself." I barely felt the words come out of my mouth.

My mom reached in to hug me and I returned the favor. I heard her sniff, it was very weird having your mom cry over your shoulder.

"Do you want to talk more about it?" She asked and walked me inside.

"No not really, I just want to be alone." I said and went upstairs into my room. So much has happened in the last half hour and it was making my head spin.

I sat around and mostly cried all alone in my room until I felt my phone ring, the only person that could be was Jeremy.

"Hey oh my god I just heard what happened. Do you want me to come over?" He asked.

I thought about it and sent a reply. "Yeah actually that would be really nice."

I got up and out of my bed to look in my mirror. My checks were all read and my eyes were puffy. It was more than obvious that I had been crying for hours alone in my room.

I went into the bathroom that was directly outside of my own room. I looked in the mirror and splashed cold water on my face. Being sure to take in deep breaths through the nose and out through the mouth.

I went downstairs and saw my mom in the living room reading a book. "Oh thank goodness you're okay. I was about to come upstairs and check on you."

I laughed a little, "Yeah one of my friends is coming over and we'll probably do homework." I lied.

"Ok." She smiled. Usually I wasn't allowed to have anyone but Jules over on a school night, but for obvious reasons, I can now.

I heard a knock at the door which was odd because we own a doorbell.

I saw him through the window to the side of my door and made my first genuine smile all afternoon.

"Hey." He said and hugged me immediately. I had no idea what was with all of these people and wanting to give me hugs.

We walked back into my kitchen which borders the living room so you could see my mom reading on the couch. "Hello." She said.

I didn't feel like having him talk so I did all of that. "Hey this is the guy I have been tutoring for the past like, month or so." I said. I just wanted her to let us go.

She smiled, I took that as a go ahead and dragged him outside to my porch.

"Hey I have some good news." He said as we say down.

"Oh really? What's up?"

"Tomorrow is my 17th birthday." He smiled.

I hit him. "Idiot, you should have told me sooner. I would have gotten you something."

He smiled again. "I don't want you spending your money on shit I don't deserve."

"Oh please Jeremy, I have more money than I know what to do with. I'm going to the mall this weekend and getting you a gift whether you like it or not."

"Well what is going to happen with the funeral and everything?" He asked. And I wished he didn't because I truthfully had no clue.

"I have no idea. I'm sure it's not going to be right away. They still have to tell her family and stuff. I just can't believe she went through with it. She didn't seem like the type of person."

"They never do." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You know I wasn't always gay." He said.

I looked at him. "What are you talking about?"

"When I was in the eighth grade I had a girlfriend. And talk about being in love, I was head over heels for her. And one day, she came to school and started to cry and went into the girls bathroom so I followed her. And I saw her in the back with a handful of pills in one hand and a bottle of vodka in the other. And I thought, she couldn't. But she could. And she did. And I was right there, I could have stopped her, but I didn't. Because I didn't think she was the type."

I felt my heart sink back into my chest. "Oh, I'm sorry." Was all I could say.

"I'm long over it, some things you need to let go of."

Some things you need to let go of seemed to go through my mind a lot now.

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