The punishment

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November 16th 2015 2:30pm
The bell rang and I was officially "free to go" which really meant I had a long and awkward car ride home with my parents.

I was too done to stop by my locker, even with my science homework in there. I could always just do it tomorrow in homeroom, even though I was so against doing homework in school besides study hall. Where people did anything but study.

I followed my parents as they walked closely in front of me, I just wanted to have a normal junior year, which I guess was too much to ask for. You know I am a simple person who doesn't ask for much, and when I do ask for things, I never get them.

I opened the car door to the back and my mom drove us home in the most awkward silence you could even imagine. I could just feel their dissatisfaction and disappointment in the air, it was intoxicating.

"I just don't see where we went wrong Ally, you've always been such a good girl. Why would you even want to do something like this?" My mom dragged on. I kept trying to explain to her that I never did anything wrong, and that I was framed or something.

"When we get home I want you to go straight to your room without dinner and I want your phone and the keys to your car." dad drilled me. I sighed an rolled my eyes, I mean it was so annoying having the two people who should mean the most to you be completely against you.

My mom pulled into the driveway and I reached into my bag to take my phone out, I handed it to my dad and walked in the house without saying a word. My cat, Lola brushed up against me. Besides Jules, she was my only friend and the only other person I enjoyed talking to. I just wished she could talk back.

"Keys young lady." My dad said, I walked back down the stairs, went back into my bag and handed them to him. I picked the bag up along with the cat and headed to my room, being sure to shut it louder than usual to get my frustration across.

Lola ran freely across my desk and hopped on the nightstand where she made herself comfortable. I played with her ears because that's what she loved the most. I sighed and dug through a desk drawer looking for one of my old iPods. My parents didn't know I still had it so I always used it when I was grounded.

I went into Instagram and opened up the DMs I had with Jules, it didn't have a working texting app so I always went on here to contact her. "Omg you'll never believe what happened to me today." I typed and hit send.

It took her a few minutes to respond, "Omg what happened, why are you grounded?"

"Someone placed a knife in my locker and a janitor found it, now I have detention for like three months AND I have to help tutor or something that Jeremy kid."

"LUCKY I wish someone would frame me with a knife so I could tutor him, Ally you have nothing to complain about."

"Yeah except for the fact that I got both my phone and car taken away."

"Oh yeah well that sucks."

I frowned thinking about today and how pissed off I was. I really just wanted it to all either be a dream or be over. I didn't do anything wrong and now, I was going to be treated like I was a criminal or something, and it's Monday. Whose luck could be worse than mine?

I sighed looking at the clock on the desk. I knew I was eventually going to have to finish my homework and I really didn't want to do that. I just wanted it to be Friday, and I slip into a warm bath. But now I have to deal with the dang delinquent of the school.

I found my headphones at the bottom of my bag and played music through them as I finished up the algebra homework, I worried about science. I couldn't have a missing assignment, it would ruin my GPA.

I tapped my pencil on my binder and heard a pebble hit my window, only one person in the world would be trying to get my attention. I went over and opened the window, Jules was standing in my backyard. "Hey." I sighed.

"Sorry you had such a rough day today." She said actually sounding apologetic.

"I guess it's okay, I can't believe they're making me help out Jeremy. I think I'd rather chew on broken glass."

Her face scrunched together, and she still claimed she didn't have a massive dorky crush on him. "I'll trade places with you." She made me laugh. The girl was such a train wreck and yet it was me who had to serve detention for like three months, and that started tomorrow. One more thing to add to my misery.

"Ok well I am supposed to go to the supermarket and get a gallon of milk, so I'll see you tomorrow in study hall." We waved goodbye to each other and I watched as she left my yard on her bike, heading to the grocery store.

I heard a knock at my door, it couldn't have been my parents because they never knock. I opened it to see my younger brother, Logan standing in the doorway. For him being a younger sibling, we surprisingly got along very well. "What do you want?" I asked letting him in.

"What happened to you today?"

"Some jerkwad placed a knife in my locker and I was framed for it even though it wasn't mine, I don't even own a knife and I don't want to. I don't even know where to get one."

"So why don't mom and dad believe you? Cause they're both downstairs and they seem like really pissed off."

"Yeah I know they're mad, and they can get as mad as they want. It still doesn't stop the fact that I didn't do anything wrong. And the only people who believe me are you and Julia."

"Well I'll be by your side for all of this, you're using your old iPod I see."

"Yeah I am. It's either that or I am forced to go back to the stone ages. I had to text Jules and tell her what happened to me, mom and dad just simply don't get it." I claimed, and was completely right.

"Well I don't think they want me in here talking to you, so I'll see you tomorrow Ally. Oh and I brought you this." He pulled out a brownie in a wrapper and placed it on my bed. "You're my hero, thanks so much Logan!"

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