The boredom

90 3 9

December 21st 2015 7:40am
One of the warning bells rang, signaling that we had 10 minutes before homeroom started. I was right outside the cafeteria with Jeremy and Neil.

"It's so different without her here." I moaned quietly, no one heard me.

The three of us didn't say anything. Eventually, Jeremy went to go pee and it was just Neil and I. Which made it too awkward for either of us to say something. I didn't know much about him.

"So I guess I'll see you in science then." Neil said and walked off. I was all alone now, great.

I went to my locker. A girl who I had never seen before was standing at the one next to mine, the one that used to belong to Jules.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Uhm... this is my locker?" She said.

I looked away, "Sorry about that, it just used to belong to my friend."

Well that was great, I looked like a weirdo in front of the new kid. Way to go me.

She opened the locker that once belonged to my best friend, it had been emptied out. I opened mine and grabbed my stuff for English.

I walked into homeroom at 7:47, only three minutes before I actually had to be here. I watched everyone else talk to each other, like I did every day. You get to learn a lot about your classmates when they think you never say anything.

I walked into English just as Jeremy sat down. I think we each have had some sort of impact on the other. He was working harder in school, showing up on time, not getting into too much trouble. And just the other day, I said "shit" for the first time.

I sat down and grabbed what I needed for this class. We were reading this book called The Dog That Brought Them Together. It was alright I guess.

About ten minutes after the bell rang, we started class. This was because we are a very unorganized group of teenagers that don't know how to be on task.

"Okay guys, pass up your homework to the front." The teacher said. I peaked over at Jeremy just to make sure he did his, and he did. I was so proud, I was basically his mother.

I handed mine in and we started the warm up. We did a lesson on Greek mythology and that was it. Our only homework was to finish the book.

The bell rang for second period which for me was history. I have grown to hate this class with a passion. It was almost too easy, to the point where you had to try harder to get a B than to get an A.

I had this class with Alex and Josh. Two of Jeremy's friends who I never really talked to. The only ones I did were Tom, Neil and Kevin when we were in technology. Which is 4th period.

We took notes from a power point the whole time, a presentation that was 75 slides long. Yet by the end of it, I had only filled up half a sheet with notes. If that doesn't describe how easy this class is, I don't know what does.

I sat with Neil during third period science. We had a substitute and the only thing we did was a warm up.

I sighed when the bell rang, 45 minute classes are a terrible idea and I want to kill whoever invented them. There's so much walking involved in one school day.

I walked up to the second floor. Technology was in room 2000 which was the first classroom.

I saw Kevin sitting at his computer. We had sat next to each other all year, yet we only started talking when I had to tutor Jeremy.

"Hey." I said and sat down.

"Hey." He said. We each logged into our student accounts on the computer and did what was on the board.

"I hate this class so much." Kevin said. I looked over at his computer, which had blue screened.

"Tell the teacher." I said.

Kevin raised his hand and the teacher came over. The only way he could have fixed it was by manually overriding all the computers in the classroom. Which meant they would all shut off.

"Okay guys save your work because I have to shut all the computers down." The teacher said.

I didn't have any work I needed to save because I haven't even started it yet.

The teacher went to his computer and typed something in. All the computers in the class turned off, including Kevin's.

"Alright try it now." The teacher came back over to us.

From that point on, Kevin had a working computer. I agree with him about hating this class. The school made each student take a technology class, even though we all own computers at home.

I turned in my work through my computer. There was a little file you had to save it to that the teacher could look at on his account. I didn't understand how that worked, maybe that's why I have to take this class? It's. not like we ever learn anything though.

Kevin and I walked to lunch. Jeremy and Neil were sitting at a table on the upper courtyard. From it, you could look down and see people doing sporty things on a field. That would never be Jeremy, not even in a million years.

"What's up?" I asked everyone and sat down. Alex and Josh weren't here, they never were. That always made me wonder how Jeremy and them were friends.

"Nothing much really, just chilling."

I also wondered how Jeremy and Neil were still a thing. I spend a lot of time with Jeremy and I think that should be making Neil jealous. But I'm also a girl, and Jeremy doesn't even like them. Also I never see them do anything together besides hold hands. They might have kissed once in front of me.

I listened very carefully to what everyone was saying. I didn't care too much, winter break starts in three days and that's all I was thinking about.

The FramingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora