The truth

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December 15th 2015 6:12pm
I felt the world stop spinning. "Why?" I asked. "Why would you do this to me?"

"It wasn't like it was supposed to happen. They didn't even find the knife in your locker."

"What?" I asked.

"They found the knife in my locker. When they were finding out who the locker belonged to, they must have made a mistake and thought it was yours because our last names are the same."

I quickly did something devious, I took out my phone and started to record what she was saying. "The knife is mine. And I didn't want to get myself in trouble, so I just went along with it being yours."

"Why did you bring a knife to school in the first place?" I asked.

"About two months ago I met a guy online. He seemed really cool, but he eventually started to threat me. So I told him that if he ever approached me, that I had a weapon. I brought it everywhere I went. It made me feel safe."

I nodded like I understood. "Well you know I have to tell someone. I can't keep living like this." I said.

"Ally they'll never believe you. You have no proof."

Yeah, that's what you think I thought and ended the recording on my phone.


The next morning at around 7:45, I got to school early. And knocked on the principal's door. "Come in." He said.

"I have something you should see." I said.

He nodded, "Take a seat."

"I have some news on the whole knife in my locker thing. I finally have proof that it wasn't me." I said taking out my phone. I went to my camera roll and hit play.

Once it was finished, he started asking me questions. "So you really have been innocent this entire time?" He asked.

"Yes sir."

He pushed a button on his desk and the lady who runs the main office answered. "What can I do for you sir?" She asked.

"Tell me who the owner of locker 211 is." He said.

"Ok... that locker belongs to Julia Miles."

"Thank you." He said and hung up.

"See? My locker is 212. And the knife was found in 211." I said.

"Okay well then I'm glad we didn't expel you. You no longer have detention and you no longer have to tutor Jeremy on Saturday."

I was relieved. I really should be more mad that I was forced into doing these punishments even though I was innocent. I'm just glad that everyone is getting what they deserve.

The bell to start school rang and I grabbed my stuff to go to homeroom. I had no friends in there, so I stayed quiet until English.

"Hey." I said to Jeremy and sat down. He knew everything, about how Julia was the one with the knife. And that I wasn't mad at him or anything.

"How did it go with the principal this morning?" He asked.

"It went well. He knows that it was Julia, and I'm sure she's going to get expelled."

"Well I'm glad that everyone is getting what they had coming."

"And Jeremy, I no longer have detention and I no longer have to tutor you every Saturday morning."

His face lit up. "Thank god. Now that's the news I really want to hear."


I walked into study hall and I wasn't shocked to see that Jules wasn't here. It was such a shame, she was a good friend. And if she told me about the guy online, I would have done everything to help her. Having a knife in your locker really wasn't a smart idea.

"Hey." Jeremy said and made me jump a little.

"Oh hey." I smiled. "Listen I know I'm not your tutor anymore, but I still want to help you. Only if that's what you want too."

He sighed, "Maybe. I just don't want to do anything right now."

The late bell rang. "Yeah I kind of figured that."

"I still can't believe you thought it was me who put the knife in your locker." He said. "If it was me, then how would I still have the knife in my house? Who would have given it to me after finding it in your locker?"

I thought about that, "I guess you're right."

"I know, I always am."

I laughed. "Sure you are."

I took out my math homework and started to do it. I could tell I was boring Jeremy, but I didn't care. If I could, then I would force him to do something.

The bell rang and for once I wasn't stressing about going to detention. Jeremy went off with Neil and I went to my locker. Where I would always talk to Jules, too bad that's only a memory now.

After the locker visit, I went to the bus. For the first time in a month, I didn't want to keep asking Tom and Jeremy for a ride.

I put in my earphones and listened to music until it was my stop. I left and walked down the sidewalk, opened my gate and went inside.

"Don't you have detention?" Logan asked.

"Not anymore, and thank god." I said and went into my room. I opened my laptop and went on Facebook, to see that I was tagged in a video. It was titled "I'm sorry" and it was posted from Julia.

I clicked play and saw her sitting in her bedroom, sobbing. I kind of saw that coming from a mile away.

I heard her talk, "I guess that I'm just a bad friend. And now that I have realized this, I think I'm done. I have no more friends, and my life is ruined forever. I might as well not be living. So goodbye."

I blinked a few times, and suddenly felt bad. Was she really going to go through with this? She can't.

I saw that the video was posted 23 minutes ago and a bunch of people were commenting on it saying "Bad friends don't deserve to live" and things like that.

I took my phone out and called her, again and again and she never answered. I did the only other thing I thought of, and called her mom.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Mrs. Miles, Julia posted a video online and she isn't answering her phone and a lot of stuff has happened to her and-"

"Allison slow down, what's going on?" She asked.

"I think Julia is trying to kill herself."

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