The test

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December 9th 2015 12:47pm
"Ok so how do you feel about this test?" I asked Jeremy outside of his science class. It was about to be sixth period and he had his science test today, the one that would decide my own fate and his.

"I feel sick. I should have just stayed home today." He moaned. I pushed him further along until we got to the classroom door. "Ok well just know that I believe in you. Break a leg."

I watched as he took his seat in that class, I turned around and went to mine. I had algebra, and sadly everyone in this class wasn't my friend. It was probably my least favorite, but I get to see Jules and Jeremy next.

I walked into the room shortly before the bell rang. It was only algebra 2, a class I should have taken in the eighth grade but the school system is very flawed. So now I get to take it.

I sat down, did the warm up and copied down all the notes. Towards the end of class, she called us up one by one and showed us our grades. I had a 92, which was fine by me. I didn't care about the percentage, it's the GPA that matters most. So as long as that letter grade is an A, I am fine. And yes I do complain about B's ok. Fight me about it.

The bell rang and I sped-walked all the way down stairs and into the 400's hallway and into room 412. My study hall classroom. I saw Jules sitting all alone in the back, Jeremy wasn't in so I had to wait for him.

He came in and had a really big, dopey grin on his face. I assumed that meant he did well on the test. "Ok so I took it and I think I did well. She told us she would give them back to us tomorrow at the end of class." He sat down and then the bell rang again.

"Well that's a huge relief. I don't want you repeating a grade and I really don't want to be expelled. That would look terrible when I start applying for colleges next year."

We all sat at the table for the next 45 minutes and just made small talk. Mostly about TV shows and movies and things. Having Jeremy in my life has truly caused the most drama I could ever ask for.

The end of the day bell rang and that meant it was time for my favorite part of school, detention. Oh how I loved going to the second floor and sitting in a room that smells weird for an hour. Everyday for two months.

"Well I gotta go." I sighed talking to Jules. I closed my locker and she closed hers. "Yeah Ally, I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Hopefully Jeremy did well on his test."

I walked back upstairs. Soon enough, I was alone in the hall. I opened he detention room door and sat in the back. Sometimes I would have a really clueless teacher supervising this and could get away with using my phone. Sadly, today was not one of those days.

I laid my head on the desk and decided to just rest. It was "against the rules" or whatever to fall asleep in detention. And I didn't want to be here any longer than I should.

When the hour was up, I was instructed to leave. I exited the classroom and was finally free for the day. I really wish my dad would give me back my car, I was given my phone back which was nice and all. I just want my freedom.

I walked downstairs, out an emergency exit under them and I was now outside. I saw Tom's van parked where it always was. Outside of school grounds.

I went up to it and opened the door. They were just chilling around and listening to music. Well they were listening to people who were screaming and calling it music.

"Hey Ally how was detention." Tom asked like he did everyday. "It was same old same old I guess. Nothing new happened, I almost fell asleep again."

Tom and Jeremy laughed. I laughed too when I said "Tom and Jeremy" in my head because it sounded like "Tom and Jerry".

"Well I really hope you did well on that test. I don't know what I would do with myself if I ever got expelled. And my parents, oh god I would never hear the end of it."

"Yeah I hope I did well too, I hate this town and I don't want to be in high school for 5 years."

Tom finished driving me to my house. I said thank you as I got out, opened my gate and sat on my bed staring at the wall for a couple of hours.


The next day I was sitting in algebra 2 while Jeremy was getting his test back. He was going to find out if he was getting held back, I felt bad for him as much as I felt bad for myself. And at this point in my life, I was showing myself a ton of pity.

Once the bell finally rang, I sprung up and out of my seat and ran to study hall. Almost tripping a few times before I got there and sat down. I saw Jules there, but no Jeremy. I ate lunch with him earlier so I knew he was here today.

"Ugh I just want him to be here so I can see how well he did." I said jumping out of my seat. He promised me that he wouldn't look at his grade until he saw me. We would look at it together.

The bell rang and there was still no sign of him. A million thoughts rushed through my head until I saw the door open again. It was Jeremy, thank god.

He came over to me with a smile, and sat down. "Well how did you do?" I asked.

He handed me the paper and I looked at the grade.

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