The hang out

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December 2nd 2015 4:02pm ALLY'S POV
I walked out of the school and was surprised to see what I did, it was Tom's van. Usually I had to walk home from detention, according to my parents it was a "Part of my punishment." or whatever.

I opened the van and saw them listening to death music as I like to call it. I never said anything about how much I wanted them to play something different because I only wanted to be liked. "Hey, how was detention?" Tom asked and I shut the door.

"It was boring, once again." I said. He pulled forward and Jeremy and I sat in the back, "Hey thanks for giving me a ride, my feet hurt real bad and I was completely dreading walking home."

"Yeah no problem, and hey I was wondering if maybe when Tom drops you off at your place, if I could come inside and we could hang out or something." He suggested.

"I don't see why not, no one is going to be home except for my brother who spends most of his time in his room anyway."

His face lightened up a lot, it felt nice because I hadn't seen or talked to him all day. Usually, Jules and I would eat lunch with him and his friends, but today she needed me to help her with something and it wasn't like I could just say no to my best friend.

Tom stopped the van, I never knew when we were at my house because there were no windows back here and I had a hard time looking forward out the windshield. "Well you two have fun now." Tom said.

Jeremy rolled his eyes and followed me past the gate and into my front door. "Well your house is a whole lot better than mine, that's for sure." He said. I guess it was rather nice, with whatever money a kindergarten teacher and some office worker make.

"So what did you have in mind to do?" I asked opening the fridge and tossing him an apple. "I don't care, I am just happy you had me over."

I smiled at him, something was telling me that he didn't want to go home, but I couldn't have just asked what was bothering him. "Well there isn't much to do here, I usually spend my days in my room listening to music or volunteering down at the homeless shelter."

"Wow someone is a goody-goody." He smirked, I should have thrown the apple harder at him than I did. "Well bad girls don't bring weapons to school."

"I didn't think you were the one who brought it to school." He said and took another bite. "Well whatever."

"You really don't have much to do here do you?" He asked, I thought for a moment about what we could do next. "I could show you the spot where I saw a ghost one time." I said.

"Better than nothing, I like a good ghost story. Lead me the way." He said. I walked up the stairs and into my room, where he followed me. At least he had a boyfriend and wasn't going to try to seduce me or anything.

So you know how in some houses, if you open a window and go out of it, you'd be standing on another roof from a different part of the house? Well that was the case in my room. "Right there." I said pointing out the window and onto the roof.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Well one night I had to get up and pee, and when I glanced out the window, I saw what looked to be a nine year old boy. You could see right through him and at first, I thought it was a reflection from something inside the room casting a shadow out there, but nothing in here could have done that. So I went to open the window, and he was still there which creeped me out. And when I closed the window, he wasn't there anymore."

"Well what a story." He laughed in disbelief. I knew what I saw was something weird, that's why I never told many people.

"Well that's all the interesting things I have in my house. I have no idea what you want to do now." I said sitting on my bed.

"Whatever you want to do should be fine, this was fun so I don't think you're full of bad ideas."

"Well do you want to start on some homework?" I asked.

"I was wrong, you do have bad ideas."

"Come on Jeremy, I'm supposed to be the one who helps you out. If you don't do well, then I'll probably get in even more trouble than I already am."

"Ugh fine, but only because I care about you as a friend."

He left my room and I followed, running down the stairs and back into the kitchen where our stuff was. "What class do you want to start with?" I asked.

"I guess we can start with English because we have that class together." He said, I took out the homework we had for that class. "Yeah Jeremy you're right, this is boring as hell."

"See I told you, anyway we should still get this done."

We worked through the first few problems in silence, whenever one of us needed help, we would just ask the other person.

"Hey Jeremy?" I asked, he looked up from his work. "Yeah?"

"What's the real reason you wanted to come over to my house, cause I know you and the real answer wasn't just to do homework."

He sighed and put the pencil down, I prayed that I didn't upset him or anything. "Well my aunt doesn't have enough money to pay the water or the electric bill until this Friday, so I've been taking showers at the gas station down from my house and charging my phone in school. It's just nice being somewhere that has air conditioning."

"Well you can charge your phone here if you want to." I said. "Nah I already did in Tom's van, I was already planning to spend the night with him anyway."

"Well do you have a ride to his house?" I asked.

"Yeah I told him to pick me up from here at 7, which is in like half an hour."

"Well what did you want to do in the meantime? Because I think we've done enough homework for a day."

"I don't care, we could watch TV or something. I can't do that at my house, so whatever you want to watch is good."

He followed me over to the living room where I turned on the TV and we watched "How I Met Your Mother" until the doorbell rang and Tom was here to pick him up.

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