The holiday

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December 25th 2015 9:00am
"Ally!" My mom loudly knocked on the bathroom door. I was still drying off from my shower and getting dressed.

"What is it mom?" I yelled back. I didn't like it when people interrupted my alone time, especially when I'm in the bathroom.

"Your grandparents are going to be here any minute, and I don't think that they want to see you as a wet mess."

I sighed loudly and blocked whatever else she had to say with the blow dryer. My grandparents should have been here by 9, they're always late. I still have plenty of time before they do get here.

I turned off the dryer and put on my shirt, I brushed my teeth, and my hair. My hair was always painful because blow drying it makes it knotted. And untangling it feels like I'm ripping off my scalp.

"Okay I'm out of the shower." I said and walked quickly into my room. I put on these really cute owl socks I got for Christmas last year. Even as a kid, I never complained when I got clothing as presents.

I heard the doorbell ring and I looked at my phone. It was 9:10, they were late. And I was right about that, like I always am.

I took a deep breath before walking out of my room. My grandparents weren't necessarily bad people, I would just rather be alone. Or with Jeremy.

I turned the doorknob, walked out and faked a smile. No one besides my immediate family knows what happened to Jules, and I intended it to be that way forever.

"Merry Christmas." I said to everyone and was forced into a giant hug with my grandfather. My grandmother slowly turned around to see me.

"Oh look how big you've gotten." She said and hugged me. I honestly didn't know what she was talking about, I have been 5'3 since the seventh grade. I don't think my boobs have changed that much since then either.

"We come bearing gifts." My grandma said. She had a big black trash bag filled with whatever.

"Okay well we will open them up when everyone else gets here." My mom said. She was always so controlling when it came to the holiday.

We all sat down in the living room. "How was your drive down here?" Logan asked. Logan had this whole thing figured out that if he was nice to them, they would give him money. It usually worked.

"Oh it was fine, there were a few bad accidents, but luckily we made it here in one piece." Grandpa said.

They lived in Baton Rouge, so to get here is an 8 hour drive. They always come here for Christmas, and we always go there for Easter. For the Fourth of July we meet in the middle at my uncles house in Mobile. Most of my family lived in the south, except for a few cousins who live in West Virginia.

"Sue, when is everyone else going to get here?" My grandma asked referring to my mom.

"I told everyone else to be here by noon. So not too long."

"Okay dear thank you."

I sat in my chair awkwardly. My mom didn't want me on my phone all day, which isn't really a big deal. I left it in my room anyway so there's nothing I can do.

"Let's watch the game." My grandfather said. I internally groaned, I hated sports. I have never been good at them, and I want nothing to do with it. The only thing I didn't totally bomb was the square dancing unit we did freshman year.

We sat around for a while. My parents remained in the kitchen for the most part, my mom is cooking dinner and my dad is probably eating whatever he can of it. Logan was on the recliner, playing some game on the family iPad. So much for not using electronics, thanks mom.

My grandfather sat facing the TV not saying a word. He was very focused, while my grandmother was asleep on the other end of the couch from me.

I quickly went upstairs to my room so I could grab my phone. If my brother was going to be doing something, then so was I.

I got back down and turned my phone on to reveal no new notifications. Not even from Jeremy.

I sighed and decided to text him first. "Hey." Was all I said.

I waited around for a while. It wasn't near noon yet so it would be just us for another hour.

Finally, after waiting forever, I got a text back. It was from Jeremy and all he said was "Can't talk now." Thanks Jeremy.

I mentally sighed again, I wanted everyone else to get here. It wasn't like anyone else is cool or anything, I just want a little change in atmosphere.

I played some game on my phone, the doorbell rang and Logan went to answer it. I really didn't think I had spent an entire hour on my phone.

"Hello." My mom said, grandma woke up and I helped her get off of our couch. We all walked to the front door.

I saw a few aunts and uncles, mostly I wanted to be back in my chair. Doing nothing, and being on my phone. Why did I want a change in atmosphere again?

I only had a total of four cousins. All of them were either way older than me or like a fetus. One of them is 6, one is 9, one is 27 and the last one is 30. What an age balance.

"Okay well I'm watching the game in the living room if anyone wants to join me." My grandpa said. Everyone but me, the 6 and 9 year old went back.

I walked to one of our gaming rooms. Which again my mom said she didn't want me to be in. I didn't care, what she doesn't know won't hurt her.

I noticed that my two cousins walked in here with me. And my mom wanted me to be a nicer person to them, mother always gets what she wants. And now I'm stuck with two little people I don't really even know.

What fun.

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