The friend

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November 27th 2015 7:50am
The bell rang for homeroom and my teacher walked in the door. He took attendance and left us here to talk to each other, I noticed that everyone had been giving me the evil eye ever since they found a weapon in my locker. Things would be a lot nicer if people knew the truth.

I walked from the hallway where homeroom was to where my first period English class was. The only parts of my day that I enjoyed was lunch and study hall because I A) did nothing and I B) got to see Jules.

First period started off bland, where the teacher went over the homework and Jeremy came in about ten minutes late, with no excuse note as usual. "This is the fifth time you've been late this quarter Jeremy, I'm afraid that's a detention." She said tearing out a yellow slip of paper and handed it to him, he crumpled it up and shoved it in his jacket, sitting next to me when there was at least five other empty seats he could have chosen from.

"Hey Ally." He whispered, people started to stare and wonder why I was associating myself with him. I wish I didn't have to.

I whispered a simple, yet firm "Hello." Implying that I came to school to get work done and not slack off. "Are you mad at me or something?" He asked. I tried giving him hints that now is not the time and the place to be talking, he already had gotten a detention.

"No I'm not mad at you, I'm trying to pay attention." I whispered, trying my best to seem nonchalant so I wouldn't get into any more trouble than I was already in.

The teacher walked around the room and passed out a sheet of paper we were supposed to do and said that we could work with the person sitting next to us, as long as we were quiet. And this gave Jeremy a perfect excuse to talk to me.

"Do you get this?" He asked and handed me the paper. "Yes I get English, I speak it and so do you." I said and handed it back to him.

"Yeah but I don't know when to use a fucking semi-colon. Who cares about it anyway?"

I sighed in massive amounts of frustration before pointing him in the direction of a poster with all the punctuations on it and when you need to use them. "Look at that, it has all of your answers."

Every time after that when he needed to ask me a question, I just ignored him or told him to stop talking to me, just because I was forced to help him out, didn't mean I had to like him.


"Hey girl." I said placing my tray on the table we usually sit at. It was outside and today was a beautiful late morning. "How's your day been so far?" She asked.

I decided not to tell her about what happened with Jeremy and I earlier today in first period, and focused on the test I had to take in science.

"Incoming." She said and pointed behind me, halfway between me turning around she grabbed me and faced me towards her. "No don't look, don't make it seem like you were looking at him." She said, even without seeing it I knew exactly what she was talking about, and he sat down right behind me.

"Hey." He said to the both of us this time, Jules' face turned red and she tried hiding it behind her palms. "What's with her?" He asked.

"Nothing much, she just has a massive crush on you."

"I do not!" She yelled and hit me with one of her binders. Jeremy laughed, and this time I chimed in as well. "Yes you so do, you're just so in denial."

"Jeremy do you like her so she can finally admit it?" I asked turning around, I really didn't expect to hear what he was about to say. "No I like someone else, we're dating actually."

"No way, who is she?" I asked.

"Well actually, he is sitting over there." He said and pointed to someone I saw him around with a lot. I didn't really care if someone was gay, I wasn't a religious nut or anything. After all, it was 2015.

I looked over at Jules whose face went back to normal and looked extremely disappointed. She totally liked him.

"Are you guys okay with that or...?"

"No no it's fine, it's fine. We don't care." I said so the atmosphere became a lot less awkward.


"Hey." I said to Jules, sitting with her in study hall. I was dreading it for once because all three of us have this class together. "Where's Jeremy?" She asked, I looked around and didn't see him.

"I have no idea, and you totally like him."

"I do not, besides he's gay so it will never happen."

"You don't know if he's gay." I said.

"Yeah but he has a boyfriend so.."

"He could be bise-"

"Hey." Jeremy said and snuck up behind me, nearly giving me a heart attack. "Do you mind if I sit with you two, I have no other friends anyway."

"Sure." I said and pulled out a chair for him to sit on. I took out my algebra homework and started to do it, noticing that Jules and I were the only ones doing homework in the entire classroom, Jeremy was sneaking his phone out under his desk. "Don't you have work to get done?" I asked him.

"Yeah, but I can do it whenever, I usually do my homework the class before it's due or I just don't do it at all."

"Yeah and if you did do it, you wouldn't need to have me help you every weekend. I think none of us like getting up before 10."

I saw his face clench like he was about to say something, but didn't.

For the rest of the class, we sat there in silence until the bell rang. I packed my stuff up in my bag and followed Jeremy and Jules out the door. Jules and I had our lockers right next to each other, the order in which you got your lockers went in alphabetical order of your last name, and we had the same last name. Honestly, I think that's why we became friends in the first place.

On my way out the door I caught up with Jeremy who was holding hands with someone, but doing it so discretely that you could only see them if you got close. Which no one ever wanted to do.

"Hey Ally, I'm guessing you want another ride home?" He asked. The guy he was walking with just looked at him like he was nuts, which he was. I, on the other hand am a very delightful person to be around and it's very hard for me to be rude. So I opened my stupid mouth and gave a stupid answer, "Sure why not?" I said.

I walked ahead of them two and was still able to hear what they were saying. "So are you going to tell me who that girl is or?" The guy he was with asked.

"That's the girl I was talking to you about before, the one who is being forced to tutor me or whatever."

"So why are we giving her a ride home?"

"Because Neil, she is a nice person and doesn't want to ride the bus, not to mention that we are nice people as well."

I almost had to laugh at that, he wasn't the nicest person on the planet, but I didn't want him to know I was ease dropping on his private yet loud conversation.

"Oh shit." I said to Jeremy. "We have detention remember?" I asked.

"Oh relax about that, they won't kill you for missing a day."

The old me would be having a heart attack right now, but in reality, I'm already in a massive amount of trouble and missing a day really won't kill me.

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