Part 124 Fixing What They Broke

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I'm the worst at updating......sorry.......I LOVE YOU, please enjoooy

Kyles pov
Hope obviously found out.
I watched her run away and I decided to go to her house at lunch. She has no one now. Emmi was her only real friend, and Jason was her boyfriend. So now it's up to me to try and fix what they broke.

Lunch felt like an eternity away, but it finally came.

I bolted out the front doors and ran down the street.

"Come on, answer..." I mumbled while knocking repeatedly

"Kyle?" Aphmau opened the door

"Hi, is Hope home?"

"Yeah but-"

"Can I see her?" I quickly asked

"I don't know if-"

"Please?" I started to beg, "I'm the only other person she has, please Aphmau, she needs someone who knows exactly what's going on. I'm the one who told her about the whole thing, do I need to get on my knees to beg? She might not want to see me, but she needs me." Aphmau smiled and cleared her throat.

"Go and see her"

I ran up to her room and knocked.

"I don't wanna see anyone" I could barely hear her raw voice through the closed door. I sighed and opened the door. She was laying down, back facing me.

"I said I didn't want to see anyone" she cowered into a smaller ball.

Without her knowing who I was, I picked up her small figure bridal style and sat on the bed, setting her in my lap.

"K-Kyle?" She asked while adjusting herself to see my face.

"Yeah, its me"

"Y-you came...a-after I-"

"Think nothing of it" I sighed while soothingly rubbing her arm.

"Thank you" she whispered while leaning her head on my chest.

"He's a jerk, he doesn't deserve you" I grumbled while leaning my head on the wall behind us.

"Yeah, I really suck at picking the right ones don't I?" She laughed.

"Maybe you'll find him"

He's right in front of you!


In fact, he's holding you right now!!

"Oh well, you need a break from crappy guys"

And see your Prince charming who's right here!!!

"Yeah, enough about my crappy love life, what about you? What ever happened to that girl you wanted to take to the winter formal?"

"She's...she's going through some hard times, but I will admit I've started developing a crush on her"

And it just so happens I'M HOLDING HER!

"You have to tell me who!!" She begged while sitting up straighter to look in my eyes.


"I'll tell you once it becomes more serious"

"Pleeeaase?" She gave me her puppy dog eyes

So darn cute

"No" I laughed

"It'll make me feel better..."

The guilt trip?! How evil!

"Hope" I sighed, "you play dirty"

"Yup, now please?"

Hopes pov
"No" he stood his ground.

"Please? At least tell me how you feel about her"

He sighed and smiled.

"Well, when I see her I get butterflies, and when she smiles the world seems to brighten. The simplest things she does drives me crazy. I just want to be around her more, and I feel selfish by how much I want her attention. She's perfect, even at her worse."

"Awww Kyle! You're so romantic, you should tell her! And say those exact words! She will fall for you!"

"I hope..."

And then my stomach churned, my skin boiled, I was shifting uncomfortably and clenching my fists.

Am I....jealous....?

A/N Alllrighty sorry this is intensely late, but you know. I've always sucked at schedules, anyways. I'm watching full house while writing this. Anyways, Kyles becoming frustrated with Hope, what'll happen next? Muahaha, anyways!!! I love you all devils byeee. I say anyways waaay too much.

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