Part 132 Christmas Eve

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Kyles pov
I stared at my clock, hoping it would tell me I still had at least a week till Christmas. But of course it was telling me it was Christmas Eve.

I was already dressed and ready, for the stupid dance that was now in half an hour, but I was debating whether or not to ditch it.

I shook my head.

I'm over thinking this

I slipped the present into my suit jacket pocket and made my way down the street. Phoenix Drop was always so beautiful this time of year, lights decorating every lamp post, and sparkling streamers connecting to trees. Almost every house had a snowman or two in their yard, and every tree you passed on the streets would be decorated with various colors. It was just like a postcard.

I arrived at the school and Dmitri was waiting out front. He was talking to some random guy when he spotted me he walked up to me.

"So wheres your date?"


"You're telling me you haven't asked Hope?" Rollo and Lollo walked up and Lollo placed an arm around my shoulders.

"Would've thought you'd get the courage by now"

The guys kept teasing me, each word causing me to groan more.

"Hey Kyle"

Hopes voice said behind me. I froze and my friends smirked at me. I slowly turned and suddenly forgot how to fabricate a sentence.

A cherry red dress and some black sneakers. So simple yet....stunning. Her blonde hair was pinned up so two small braids met behind her head and the rest of her hair fell into loose curls.

"U-uh, h-h-hi"

Hope blushed a little and fiddled with a lock of hair. Then her face lit up and she rushed past me. I turned and saw her practically tackle another girl. She had light brown hair and bright blue eyes.

Who's that and why is Hope trying to kill her with a hug?

"Lilith!! You said you weren't coming!!"

Hopes pov
Lilith was wearing a dark blue dress, looking amazing.

She giggled and hugged me back.

"I lied" she held me at shoulders length, "someone thinks you look amazing" she winked as I blushed.

"Let's go inside!"

I pulled her inside and it was amazing! Fairy lights hung all over the gym, and it looked like Christmas exploded inside it!


I looked across the gym and saw Emmi and Jason. Emmi spotted me and glared. I smiled and waved while looping an arm through Lilith's. We got some food and danced like the lonely people we are. 

And then I felt a hand tap on my shoulder.

I turned and saw a familiar pair of eyes lock with mine.

Dmitri smiled at me and offered his hand.

"May I have this dance?" He faked a British accent, mocking the small one I had picked up from my father.

"Yes you may" 

He placed his hands on my mid waist as I placed my hands on his shoulders.

"So why haven't you and Kyle danced yet?" He asked causing my face to heat up.

"He hasn't asked"

"And if he did?"

"I'd say yes like I did with you"

He rolled his eyes as we turned.

"Did you get him a Christmas present?"


"What did you get him?"

"Not telling"

He sighed as another slow song started to play.

"May I cut in?"

This time the voice made my nerves jump. It was Kyles voice.

"Sure thing" Dmitri walked away and Kyle smiled at me

"So, you wanna dance?"


He placed his hands on my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Our bodies swayed gently to the music and everything felt...nice.

When the song ended Kyle and I were walking and ended near the doors of the gym.

"I got you a present"

I tried to hide the excitement but failed miserably.

"Really?! What is it??"

Kyle chuckled and pulled out a small box, handing it to me. I opened it and recognized it as a jewelry box. I eyed him suspiciously

"Open it"

I opened the box and a beautiful silver songbird sat gracefully on its chain.

"Kyle...i-its beautiful"

He picked it up and instructed me to turn around, I moved my hair as he clasped the necklace around my neck.

"I love it"

"You guys are under the mistletoe!' Rollo yelled.

We looked up and sure enough the mistletoe was sitting there and taunting us.

"It's tradition!" Lollo yelled.

Kyle looked at me a deep blush painted on his cheeks. My own face was lit aflame.

Kyle knew how I felt about traditions, they shouldn't be broken.

"Th-they're right" I whispered.

Kyle placed a hand on my cheek and lifted my head gently. He lowered his face closer to mine until our noses brushed against each other's. His warm breath melting my heart. He moved closer and his lips landed on mine. It was different. Incredible.

I never understood while people kissed, it didn't make sense to me. I never wanted to. Although my previous relationships made me think you had to kiss.

But now I know why people kissed.

It felt like the world moved faster, like everything was right even for just a moment. A minute turned into a second, and my veins were pulsing with electricity.

It felt like you were addicted to the other person's taste. And the only reason you could pull away was because of oxygen.

That's what it felt like kissing Kyle.

Like I needed more.

A/N Oh look! They kissed!!!! Hip hip hooray!!! I love you all devils byeee

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