Part 130 Silence

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Hopes pov
You know what sucks?

I just got one of my childhood best friends back, and he hasn't talked to me in two weeks now.

What the heck is this problem?!?

It's now Christmas break, and Christmas is in a week. And I'm hanging out with Lilith. We clicked right away, so I'm happy I have a female friend because I can't really talk to Kyle or Dmitri about things I can talk to girls about.

We were watching a movie. We were home alone and eating ice cream.

"So, how's the whole Kyle situation?"

"Ugh, he hasn't talked to me in two weeks. I don't know what his problem is, but whatever it is he better get over it. I got him a really awesome Christmas present"

"What did you you get him?"

"I can't tell, it's a surprise"

I looked out the window and saw Dmitri dragging Kyle down the street.

I just shook my head and went back to watching my movie.

The door shook as someone knocked with all their strength. I quickly got up, afraid the door would be bursted off its hinges.

I opened it and saw Dmitri standing while holding Kyle by his ear. Kyles face had a deep blush, and Dmitri looked ticked.

"Hope, Kyle has something to tell you"




"WOULD SOMEONE TELL ME WHATS GOING ON?!" I yelled and Kyle and Dmitri stopped bickering and looked at me.

"Kyle will" Dmitri pushed Kyle, and Kyle fell on top of me. Dmitri ran off and Kyle stared wide eyed.

"Oh my Irene, I'm so sorry" he said quickly and got off of me.

"It's fine, now can you please tell me-"

Kyle ran off before I cold finish

"DMITRI I'M GONNA KILL YOU" he screamed while chasing after the blue haired boy. I sighed and sat back down.

I'm sick of this silence

A/N yes, another short one. But I'm not gonna lie, all my advance writing was done on How We Met, so I'm very far behind on this book. Anyways, sorry for the fillers, I love you all devils byeee

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