Part 129 Waiting

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Kyles pov
"You need to tell her soon bro"

Dmitri was pestering me yet again. We were hanging out just the two of us in my room, working on a project for school.

"Tell who what?" I asked, pretending not to know what he was talking about.

"You know exactly what and who. You need to tell Hope you have a crush on her before she gets another boyfriend" he chided while writing down some notes, "beside, she likes you back anyways, so what's the worse that could happen?"

"She doesn't like me like that Dmitri"

"She said she's confused, now all you have to do is make it clearer for her to see she likes you"

"And how do you suppose I do that?"

"Take her on a date, but not a date date. Just you and her, going out, doing something"


"I dunno, take her to a movie, or some coffee, or ice cream, anything really." He shrugged. I let out a sigh as my phone dinged.

L: Hey, could U ask Hope out already?


He has been texting me all week.

K: Levin, not now

L: when?!

K: I already told you I'm not asking her out

L: quite waiting and do it!

I turned off my phone and went back to my paper.

I'll wait as long as I want to wait

Hopes pov
Who is she?!

Dmitri's an idiot, he's always wrong, as far as I know, so how would he know if Kyle liked me?!

He doesn't. He's just lying or trying to get in my head.

But seriously, who is this girl?

Do I know her?

Is she nice?

Is she pretty?

Is she prettier than me?

What am I thinking, I'm overreacting

I glanced at my phone, it has been silent all weekend.

And when is Kyle going to text me?!?

I heard the silent ding and pounced. As I turned it on I saw it was only a text from Malachi.

M: hey Hope, I missed u so I thought I'd text u, what's up?

H: Oh Chi, it's just u. Nm just on social media, u?

M: don't sound too disappointed, I am ur favorite brother after all

H: shut up

M: anyways, y so bummed?

H: it's nothing

M: ur being ridiculous, what's wrong?

H: it's just...I'm confused about a guy?

M: Kyle...? ;)


M: Mmmhmmm

H: Fine...I'll admit it. I'm confused about Kyle, and my feelings towards him

M: :D

H: it doesn't matter anyways, he likes some girl

M: who?

H: I dunno, but I'll just push these unknown feelings till I forget they exist.

M: Hope...

H: I'll be fine Mal, don't worry bout me. I gtg do schoolwork, seeya later

M: Bye future Mrs Kyle

H: ...

I turned off my phone heaving a sigh. Malachi just loves to stick his nose into everyone else's business. Just stick to your wife and leave my life alone.

Ugh, I'm so cranky. And it's not even that time of the month, so I can't blame it on potential lady problems.

I flopped onto my bed and stared up at the bland ceiling.

I allowed my eyes to close gently, and didn't stop the thoughts of Kyle that paraded through my thoughts.

Get out of my head

A/N ok, I'm on the way home from school, and it's bumpy and my grandmothers trying to make conversation, help!!!! And small update: my school had a mandatory dress up day, where we have to look nice, for this turkey dinner thing. And my crush looked so freaking cute, I swear it hurts. Anyways, I love you all devils byeeee.

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