Chapter 1

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Writer's note:

Hey guys! This is my AU of Billdip that is based of one of the stories from my Billdip oneshot! So if you already read that, the first chapter is the same as the beginning of the oneshot. So if you don't want to read it again you can go ahead and skip to the second chapter or you can refresh your memory and re-read it! Anyway, I hope you all enjoy it! Thanks for reading!

Dipper was siting at the bar waiting to get the drinks Mable had asked him to order. He didn't really like crowded places, but he loved his sister and her friends. The three of them were the first people he told that he was gay to. However, stuff went sideways when the whole school saw him hooking up, drunk with a guy in a party. So now Mable, Grenda and Candy were the only people he could take in school. So he just went with them wherever they want. And he was pretty happy about it. He truly loved them after all.

"Hey, bring me two shots! One for me and one for this attractive gentleman!" A blond guy said sitting next to Dipper on the bar.

Dipper sighed and opened his best fake smile. The one that was clearly fake so people could truly see his intentions.

"Sorry, I don't hook up with strangers in a bar." He turned and told the blond guy in a baseball tee with yellow sleeves sitting next to him.

"I refuse to believe you do not recognize me." The guy said looking at him.

"Oh! You are that artsy kid from school!" Dipper said once he actually saw the boy.

"Don't you mean that hot artsy kid from school?" The guy said opening a perfect smile.

"Well, you sure are cocky."

"That is because I can be. I'm smart and attractive."

Dipper's drinks arrived, together with the two shot glasses.

"Yeah, I have to take these to my sister so-" Dipper said taking the glasses and getting up.

"At least have the shot." The guy said pushing the shot glass in front of Dipper.

"Sorry, don't drink anymore." Dipper said turning. "See you in school, Bill Cipher."

Bill opened up a smile.

"So you do know my name, Dipper Pines!" He screamed after Dipper that had already taken his way to the table.

Once he arrived the girls screamed and got her drinks each while Dipper took a sip of his diet coke.

"Were you talking to Bill Cipher back there? He is such a cutie!" Grenda screamed to Dipper.

"And I heard he is gay too, bro bro!" Mable complemented.

"Well, I have no intentions of dating anyone from our school, have no intention on dating anyone on our last year and definitely have no intention of dating/hooking up with a self-absorbed prick." Dipper said to the girls who booed. He just smiled and watched as they quickly changed the subject.

Monday morning Dipper heard his alarm ring and got straight out of bed. He went over to Mable's bed and shook her.

"MABLE TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL!" he screamed extra loud and laughed.

"Urg why do I live once again?" Mable said turning and putting he pillow over her head.

"Because you are certainly in a better state than Candy and Grenda and they will be in school so get up!"

Dipper put his clothes on, grabbed his bag and went down stairs.

"Morning Grunkle Stan! Morning, Grunkle Ford." He said grabbing a piece of toast and sitting down.

That artsy kid (Billdip AU)Where stories live. Discover now