Chapter 27

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Writer's note: 

Hey guys!! It's... been a while...

Sorry! I know I lied! I said the chapter was coming soon and it didn't come soon. My bad totally my fault! College is hard and when you aren't doing something for it you are having panic attacks. BUT I am sure none of you want to hear about my life! So before getting on with it I just wanted to make a quick important comment (the reason why this note is in the beginning of the chapter not the end).

Thank you everyone so much for all your kind comments! You have all been so nice to me and my work and I truly appreciate it immensely that you all like this story! I have been writing it for a while now and it makes me so happy when a new person says they love it! Thank you all so much for the support and for reading this story. ALSO thank you so much for being so amazing and interacting with each other!!! You all seem so friendly and cute I already appreciate all of you! Thank you so much!

Okay I'm done rambling. Enjoy this chapter! It took me long but it's the longest so far ;)



"Are you Dipper Pines?"

The question came from behind him. Dipper quickly stood up and turned to face the man that he was so afraid of meeting. Was what he was doing right? After the conversation he had with Will, Dipper couldn't stop wondering what he was getting into. Will knew Bill better than Dipper could ever dream to. Maybe he was wrong about who Bill was. Maybe he was getting into a relationship that would crush his heart without even knowing.

"Yeah. Daveed I assume?" Dipper asked with his voice shaking.

"That's me." The man answered opening up a light smile.

This was it. He looked through Bill's Facebook and found Daveed in about thirty seconds. Thankfully Bill was not the kind of ex that resented and blocked the people he had previously been involved with. After browsing through what seemed like millions of pictures of the two of them together in the most varied destinations (was he getting jealous?), Dipper finally got the courage and sent Daveed an inbox asking if they could meet. The response was warm and nice; he agreed to do it without any hesitation. Was that a good or a bad sign?

Daveed sat in front of Dipper and asked for a glass of water. Dipper couldn't take his eyes off him, he seemed to be everything any gay dude would want. He was tall, had a messy brunette hair, green eyes, a beautiful smile, stylish clothes Dipper would die to own and just an attractive composure in general. If that was what Dipper had to live up to then he was definitely getting into more than he could handle. The glass of water came, Daveed got it, thanked the waiter and took a sip of it before breaking the silence.

"So you are Bill's latest obsession?" Daveed questioned stirring the ice inside his water. Every word he said sounded flirtatious and Dipper has barely heard him say ten of them.

"I guess you could say that." Dipper responded with doubt.

Obsession. Why was that always the choice of words when talking about someone Bill was interested in? Daveed looked up and smiled at Dipper reassuringly.

"Why did you want to meet me? I am hoping it's not some kind of paranoia stay-away-from-my-man scenario because believe me I am over that." He reassured never losing the smile.

"Not at all. I just wanted to..." He looked for the right words. "Well, I just wanted to ask you some things. I'm new to this whole relationship thing and honestly I am so lost. This was the best way I found of trying to prevent my heart from being broken."

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