Chapter 18

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Dipper was once again sat at the Pines twins spot waiting for Mabel when he noticed Bill approaching him. The boy waved him hi and sat next to him once he reached Dipper.

"Pine tree, I want to ask you something." Bill said turning his head to face Dipper.

"Sure, go ahead." Dipper said still looking forward.

"Well, so I was thinking that it would be a nice idea, I mean I thought it would be you know but if you don't think so you can tell me I mean the last thing I want is to make you uncomfortable, you know. Because the thing is I never wanted to make you uncomfortable it's just the way I am, I mean-" Bill said and stopped as Dipper looked at him confused. "Sorry, this is going terribly. I'll start over. I was thinking about us hanging out together."

"Oh, sure where is the gang going?" Dipper said not understanding all the fuss and looking back at his phone to ask Mabel if she would still take a long time.

Yeah, great job at not being straight forward, Bill, the blond boy thought to himself.

"Well, not the gang. Just you and me." Bill said trying to sound casual.

Dipper put down his phone and turned to look at Bill.

"Like a date?" He asked suspiciously.

"No! Not a date. Just us going out together with no one else."

"It sounds like a date."

"No the thing is I just really wanted to get out of my house Friday night and Laura has to work of her arts project, Arry is going to visit her family in Ohio and Mark can't I don't know why, he is probably just to lazy to go out." Bill said quickly creating plausible reasons for his friends to be busy. "So you are the one left."

"What about Rita and Jessica?" Dipper asked skeptical.

"Well, I learned over the years that going out with only the two of them is not nice for my mental health. I either feel really excluded and weird or get really drunk. So not cool."

Dipper looked at Bill thoughtful for a couple of seconds.

"Hum yeah sure. I'm not doing anything on Friday anyways." He finally answered looking forward once again.

"Okay! Great!" Bill said excitedly. "We can go eat something."

"Dinner sounds way to romantic." Dipper commented.

"Okay! We can go see a movie then!" Bill said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah that sounds nice." Dipper said getting up as he saw Mabel approaching them.

"What time are you thinking?" Bill asked getting up.

"We can figure that out later. It's still Wednesday. I have to go now so see ya, Bill"

"See you later, Pine tree."

Dipper was sitting on the floor next to Stan's armchair looking at the television. He didn't really understand what was happening in the series but Stan seemed really excited and angry about it.

They heard the bell and Dipper got up.

"Well, that's my ride. See you later, Gruncle Stan." He said heading for the door.

"Don't do anything stupid, kid!" Stan yelled back.

"I won't!" Dipper screamed back opening the door.

As he did he saw Bill standing in front of him in a flannel, black jeans and converse.

"You ready, Pine tree?" Bill asked with his usual smile.

That artsy kid (Billdip AU)Where stories live. Discover now