Chapter 9

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The next day as Dipper got out of the car he wasn't even surprised to see Bill in front of the school looking at them with a grin. He needed to remember to ask Stan to not stop the car there anymore.

"I bring very interesting news, Pine tree." Bill said once Dipper reached him.

"Oh yeah? Look at the face of someone who cares." Dipper said signing to his face.

"Rude!" Mable commented from next to him.

"That's alright, Mable. I know Dip-dip never wakes up on the right side of the bed. Anyways, this interests you too!" Bill said grabbing Mable's arm.

"What is it?" Mable asked curiously.
"I'm throwing a party tomorrow. And if I don't see you there you will be murdered on Monday." Bill said to both the Twins.

"Oh my! Like a party party? Like big whole high school one? In you fancy palace?" Mable asked looking like she was going to faint.

"I hate it when you call it a palace but yeah! My parents are coming back from Dubai on Sunday and I hadn't thrown even one party since they left! So this Friday it is it! Also tell Grenda and Candy, I really want them there." Bill complemented.

"Jeez! I have to tell them like right now! Oh! Can I bring a date?" Mable asked winking.

"You go, gurl" Bill answered as Mable let out a little squeak and ran away.

"I didn't take you for the kind of people that throws massive parties. Hipster, movie-opening parties, yeah sure. But all students invited? Not really." Dipper said stopping at his locker and waving his sister bye.

"Well, you didn't take me for a lot of things." Bill whispered putting his arm around Dipper's waist and coming closer to him.

Bill's respiration on his neck made Dipper shiver. That put a huge smile on Bill's face.

"Didn't we have a talk about touching?" Dipper asked nervously not being able to move.

"Well, this isn't exactly touching is more of a bringing closer and breathing sexily." Bill responded in a whisper.

"Classes have barely started and I already hear humors of us dating without you constantly being all up on me so please stop." Dipper said annoyed and Bill let him go.

"So anyway, go to the party! I'm sure you'll love it. I'll buy coke zero just for you!" Bill said as if nothing had happened.

"I hate parties." Dipper responded closing his locker.

"I don't care."

"I have other plans."

"What kind of other plans could you have on a Friday night? A House of Cards marathon?"

"I hate you."

"I know you don't."

"You will really make me go won't you?"

"Yeah that's pretty much my plan."

Dipper turned to him and moaned.

"Okay. I'll talk to Mable about it." He finally said.

"I will definitely see you there!" Bill said excitedly.

"Dipper look at this dress it is so pretty! I am so relieved me and my people found it!" Mable said turning in front of Dipper.

"It is stunning, Mable. You look very pretty." He said and went back to his book.

Mable sighed and went over to him. She got the book out of his hand, marked the page and put it on the desk.

"Dipper you are going to the party." She said looking at him angrily.

"I don't want to!" Dipper responded annoyed.

"Well, you are going though! Bill invited us personally and it's going to be great! I mean, we are seniors now! We have to go to parties and be irresponsible and have fun and stuff! It doesn't mean you have to change yourself or what you like but it means you have to enjoy your teenage years right now!"

"I am fine enjoying them right here."

"No, you are not! You will regret not going! Come on! You don't want to go just because Bill is the host."

"Yes that is one of the many reasons."

"You know I don't see what the problem is with you liking him. He is a great guy, having a boyfriend is cool and he is crazy about you! If you told him you liked him you would hook up that instant."

"That's the problem, Mable! First of all, I am not in a good place emotionally to have a relationship! However, if I were to indeed be with Bill, or anyone else, I don't want a meaningless hook up, where he is almost too drunk to remember it and it becomes so awkward between us that I'll spend my last avoiding not one, but two guys in the hallways! I want a boyfriend if I'm going to get involved with someone. But the thing is, I don't want a boyfriend! So I don't want to get involved! Capiche?" Dipper screamed irritated.

"Okay, okay! I get it no need to yell!" Mable said defensively.

"I'm sorry, Mable. I shouldn't have done that. It's just that this has been getting on my nerves lately."

"I understand, bro bro. But you still should go to the party. It will take all that stress off your back" Mable said putting her arm around Dipper's shoulder.

"Okay, okay, I'll go."

"You will?!"

"Yeah, but just because you asked politely."

"Own, thank you so much! You are going to love this night!" Mable said running to the bathroom.

Dipper sat alone on his bed. He better enjoy it. And he really wanted to stay as far as he possibly could from Bill Cipher.

That artsy kid (Billdip AU)Where stories live. Discover now