Chapter 15

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Writer's note:

Hey guys! So this chapter was a request made by Bannanna: "Oh my god I loved that please make another chapter, also I have a prompt: bill goes out on vacation and ash corners dipper. Hope you dont mind, I'm really weird"

Hope you guys like it! Thanks for reading!

Dipper got home tired, he walked to Ford's study and felt a bit disappointed he truly was still there, but he was sleeping on his books. Dipper woke him up and lead him to his room making sure he laid on the bed and stayed there turning off the lights and shutting the door behind him. Then Dipper started carefully walking to his room. He got in as quietly as he could and closed the door seeing Mable passed out on her bed. He couldn't believe he actually got home later than she did. Dipper looked at his watch. Oh lovely, 4 AM. He hated to admit it but Bill Cipher truly knew how to keep a conversation going. After all, in the end Mark had to leave, Laura also was gone a couple of minutes later and him, Bill and Arry stayed talking until Arry got a charger from a guy that was sitting next to them and got to see that her parents practically thought she was dead. Then they all decided it was time to go and so they did.

Dipper took his shirt and pants off deciding to sleep only in his underwear. He was really tired and it was really hot. So he laid down on his bed prepared to sleep when his phone made the message noise. He almost jumped up scared and quickly got it taking the sound off so that Mable didn't wake up.

"Pine tree, I can't sleep..." He read the message with Bill's name on it.

"Well, too bad. I can so good night." Dipper quickly responded not surprised at all that Bill would do a thing like that.

"Pleeeeeeaaaaaaaassssseee don't leave me." Another text appeared and Dipper decided to ignore it.

"Pine tree?"


"Are you seriously going to leave me hanging?"

"Pine tree I am not afraid and I will send you all of the fazes of the moon emojis if you don't answer me."

"Oh my God! What do you want, Bill?" Dipper finally responded against his will.

"For you to talk to me until I finally sleep."

"Just fucking sleep already. Listen to some zen music of something."

"That never works."

"I don't care."

"Do you always have to be this rude?"

"At 4:05 in the morning? Yeah."

"Oh shit! That's the time?!"


"Yeah I just checked that is the time. My parents are going to kill me. I will look so wasted when I wake up."

"Why when do you have to wake up?"

"7 AM."

"Bill go to sleep right this instant!"

"Own how adorable you are taking care of me!"

Dipper rolled his eyes at the response.

"What do you have to do at 7 AM anyway?" Dipper asked curiously.

"Oh I'm going on a trip. Visit my bro bro."

"You sound like my sister."

"I know. I love when she says that."

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