Chapter 13

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Writer's note:

Hey guys! I have been incredibly busy these last couple of weeks and that is why I haven't posted any chapters! I am so incredibly sorry, but I promise I have been writing lots and more chapter's will come out the weeks to follow! And I got a request fro this fic (Which I am already working on;)) so it just reminded me to say that if any of you have something you want me to write, something that you want to request, hit me up and I will do it!

I hope you enjoy the chapter! Thanks for reading!

Dipper was leaving school at the Friday evening. He was incredibly ready for the weekend as he walked over to meet Mable at their usual spot. As he approached he saw Bill standing next to her and smiling while they talked.

There was this fascinating trait Bill had that he seemed like he was flirting with absolutely everybody he ever talked to. Dipper realized at it was true. Even when he went to talk to Mr. Chas it seemed like he was attempting to charm the old man.

"He's gay, it's not gonna happen." Dipper screamed as he approached the two of them.

"Pine tree! Just the guy I wanted to see!" Bill said opening up a smile as he saw Dipper coming closer.

The boy approached and put his arm around his twin's shoulders. They were exactly the same height what was a little bit creepy.

"So what is it that you want to annoy me about today?" Dipper asked.

"Me and the gang are going out tonight. Night picnic at the park. The local park is having this big event so it will be full of people having dinner there. I wanted to ask if you would flatter us with the honor of your company?" Bill said bowing down.

"Can Mable come?" Dipper asked.

"Mable has other plans with Grenda and Candy." Mable said taking Dipper's arm away.

"Are you going to hook up with anyone else?" Dipper said to annoy the other boy.

"Come on, a month, Pine tree. It has been a month." Bill answered rolling his eyes. "Why? Are you jealous?" He said in a sexy voice.

"You are pathetic." Dipper said and started walking away.

"Are you coming or not?!" Bill screamed after them.

"I'll check my schedule." Dipper screamed back.

"He is definitely going!" Mable answered for him.

Dipper stood in his room looking at the mirror repeatedly. He was wearing a flowery T-shirt with a tiny pocket, navy blue shorts and Vans that seemed to be made of jeans.

"Mable, I don't think this outfit is good." He said still looking at himself.

"Why do you care so much? You want to impress Bill?" Mable asked teasing.

"God, no. Just because we are a bit more friendly it doesn't mean I want to sleep with him."

"Who said anything about you sleeping with him?" Mable said with a huge smile opening on her face.

"Mable you can be a real pain in the ass sometimes."

"I love you too, bro bro."

With that Dipper officially accepted his clothes, grabbed his phone, wallet and keys and got down stairs.

Stan was in the living room watching some old TV series when he came down.

"Woah, you look fancy! Going on a date?" Stan asked smiling at Dipper.

That artsy kid (Billdip AU)Where stories live. Discover now