Chapter 20

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Dipper got inside his room and almost dropped the glass of water he went to get once he saw Mabel sitting on his desk talking on his phone.

"Yeah! He looked pretty happy yesterday when he got here. But I guess you know that already." Mabel said on the phone before Dipper took it from her hand.

"Bill ignore everything she said." He said looking at his sister angrily.

"Pine tree, you knew it was me! Own you know me so well!" Bill responded on the other end of the line.

"No actually I know my sister really well and barging into my room while I get a glass of water and answering my phone while you are calling is just her."

"Well our talk was nice so I won't ignore it thank you very much. But I was calling to ask if you want to hang out."


"I was thinking right now actually."

Dipper could sense Bill smiling on the other end of the line. Damn it he truly knew Bill really well.

"Hum and where were you thinking?"

"Mall. Grab something to eat, walk, talk, I don't know just hang out."

"Sure I need to stop studying, I can't assimilate anything anymore."

"Oh God you were studying?! Pine tree if you don't meet me there in 15 minutes I will invade your house and drag you out of there."

With that Bill hung up the call. Dipper kept looking at his phone a bit insecure. What exactly was happening between him and Bill? Well whatever it was he was going to find out in 15 minutes.

"So what did he say?!" Mabel said scaring Dipper.

"Mabel you're still here?!" Dipper asked angrily.

"Yeah, I'm still here! Did you see me leave?"


"But if I did you wouldn't have noticed right? I mean Bill was taking too much of your attention right?" Mabel said leaving the room.

"Shut up!" Dipper screamed at her smiling.

Bill sat at the nice cafe looking at his cup intensively, if that is even a thing he could do. But since he started acknowledging his feelings he seemed to do everything rather intensively.


With that Bill was taken away from his own head a bit shocked.

"Hey! You got here fast!" Bill said getting up and hugging Dipper.

He could feel the other boy's warm skin as they hugged.

"So what are your plans?" Dipper asked walking away from the hug.

"I was thinking about us going to the book store and playing a video game. You know like the ones that are always on those TVs so you will play for a bit and get hooked and buy it."

"Hum sure but I have to say I suck at videogames."

"Even better! Let's go!"

Bill dragged Dipper to the store and put him in front of one of the televisions.

"Okay so me or you first?" Bill asked grabbing the control.

"You please." Dipper answered looking as Bill poisoned himself in front of the TV as if he was getting ready for a fight. "You like videogames?"

"No. I LOVE videogames. They are like a movie but that you can interact and do your own story." Bill said not taking his eyes away from the screen and clicking franticly on the controls. "Also on most of them you get to kill people whenever you like and I really like to play God, I won't even lie to you."

Dipper laughed shyly at that sentence as he stood incredibly close to Bill looking at the screen. He was the videogame get paused just as Bill shot one guy off a roof.

"Your turn." The blonde boy said starting the game and giving Dipper the control.

"But I don't know what to do!" Dipper said trying to desperately run around in the game.

"Look, blue one you jump, red one you punch people in the face, green one you shoot, pink one you change the weapon, L1 for aiming and L2 for running."

"I literally didn't understand a single word you said right now."

"You know, for someone that studies that much you are really slow, Pine tree."

Before Dipper could respond angrily, Bill placed his arms around Dipper's and his hands on top of the other boy's hands. With that Bill guided Dipper through the game for a bit moving their hands together. Then suddenly Bill let go and Dipper instantly died because he was a bit shocked the boy was setting him free.

"You need to practice more." Dipper heard a store worker that he had just now acknowledged. "You have a console?" He asked looking at Bill.


"You should teach him when you guys aren't doing anything else." The guy said and left.

Dipper put the controller down and looked over to Bill.

"That guy definitely thinks we are fucking." He commented smiling.

"Yup and he is out of his line." Bill said taking Dipper's arm. "Come on, let's get out of here."

Dipper spent the whole evening with Bill on the mall until it was way to late and Stan was calling Dipper as if he had gone missing. So reluctantly they both made their way to the exit. Once they were on an escalator Bill laughed and looked at Dipper.

"We almost have the same height now." He commented with his sarcastic smile.

"You are such an ass." Dipper said taking a step up and getting taller then Bill.

With that Bill also took a step and got incredibly close to Dipper. Dipper was certain that Bill would now kiss him. He was not only certain but he was also silently wishing for it. However, the escalator finish and nothing happened.

With that Dipper was left wondering if Bill had maybe given up. Maybe his timing was incredibly fucked up and Bill had moved on. Maybe just now that he was beginning to embrace his feelings Bill was ready to let them go. Maybe he had started falling for the blondie in a suit way to late.

Writer's note:

Hey guys! I am sorry it took me so long to update! However, to make up for that I am going to upload two chapters at the same time and the next one will follow shortly. Hope y'all like the chapters!



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