Chapter 19

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How was it?!" Was the first thing Mabel asked Dipper once he stepped through the door.

"Hum Mabel were you sitting there waiting for me to walk into the house?" Dipper asked his sister looking at her sitting on the floor right in front of the door.

"That is not relevant." Mabel snapped back at him.

"Okay... Hum it was fine I guess." Dipper responded opening up a shy smile.

"I want details!" His twin sister screamed grabbing him by the arm and dragging him to the kitchen's table.

They sat across from each other. Mabel looked like she would burst with happiness, she really wanted Dipper to get a boyfriend.

"Come on, tell me everything!" She squeaked with excitement.

"We went to the cinema and afterwards we went to a dinner and ate burgers." Dipper said and stopped with a smile.

"Seriously? You really expect me to be satisfied with that?"

"Urg, what do you want from me?" Dipper responded rolling his eyes.

"I already said it! Everything! How did it feel?! I mean this was your first proper date you know!"

"Not a date!"

"Yeah keep telling yourself that."

"Anyways! It was nice! There was one weird moment where we kind of stayed silent for a long time but it ended in a pretty good way." Dipper said wishing he didn't blush from remembering their kiss. "You know there is something kind of odd about Bill. I mean I don't feel nervous when I'm alone with him. I don't constantly plan what I will say and I don't feel responsible for the silences. I'm not even bothered by the silence. I just feel... okay, I guess. I never felt like that with no one other than you."

"That is adorable."

"Shut up."

With that Mabel rolled her eyes and got up starting to leave.

"Mabel wait!" Dipper screamed making Mabel sit back down.

"What is it?"

"I kissed him."

"Oh big news."

"No, Mabel, I kissed him. He didn't start it I did. And for no reason at all. In something that wasn't supposed to be a date."

"Wait wait wait, you went up and kissed him?!"


"Like on the mouth?!"

"Like exchanging saliva?!"

"Ew! Yes, Mabel!"

"Oh my God, DIPPER! That is amazing! I am so happy right now!" Mabel screamed with excitement. "I ship you guys so much! You are THE BEST COUPLE"

Mabel got up and went to Dipper' side pulling him to a bear hug.

"Mabel you are suffocating me." Dipper said with great effort.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so incredibly happy, you actually had an attitude for once."

"I'll ignore that last comment. But the thing is I don't know how to act tomorrow. With Ash I just plain ignored him but Bill... I don't want to ignore Bill. He's my friend and I don't want to loose that."

"Yeah 'friend'." Mable said making quotation marks with her hands.

"Mabel." Dipper said annoyed.

That artsy kid (Billdip AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora