Chapter 14

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Writer's note:

Hey guys! Just a quick note before the chapter. So to make me more organized and focused and stuff I decided to post weekly on the same day, so bottom line chapters will be coming out on Friday unless I am in really big trouble!

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter!
Thanks for reading!

"I'm excited to hear" Dipper said taking another bite and looking at Arabella, Laura and Mark. Pacifica surprisingly looking cool. Dipper didn't even know if that was her being her or her being fake, but she looked like she liked Mark. Again Dipper didn't know if that was good or not.

"Hey hey, Pine tree!" Bill called snapping his fingers.

"Oh sorry, sorry, I drifted off." Dipper said taking another bite.

"That's cute." Bill said looking at Dipper smiling. "You do that a lot."

"Yeah, actually. I don't know what's wrong with me I just do it."

"Hey! There is nothing wrong! I find it awesome that you can just go into your head like that. It's really cool to be able to listen to your own thoughts."

"Are you going to turn all of my flaws into things you find adorable?"

"Well, if you keep thinking completely normal and adorable things are flaws."

"You are unbelievable."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

They got back to the silence. Weirdly, unlike with other people Dipper didn't feel so stressed when him and Bill were silent. He didn't feel like he had to say something. Bill could fill all the silences for all he cared.

"You still want to hear that story?" Bill finally said. Like Dipper thought he always said something.

"Sure let's hear it."

Bill turned a bit and sat on his knees looking at Dipper.

"Do you know that English intern? The blonde one that always comes inside the class and corrects our texts or something." Bill said with a huge smile on his face.

"Yeah, Arthur, he is pretty cool." Dipper answered suspiciously.

"Okay so I hooked up with him."

"You did what?!" Dipper almost screamed.

"I hooked up with him. Okay big deal, it's not like we had sex or anything. But the thing is we were at the school."

"Oh my God. You are insane. This is not funny it's making me incredibly stressed."

"Just let me finish and stop being so judgmental. I mean come on admit it he is really hot."

Dipper made a face refusing to say yes. He was pretty cute.

"I'll take that as a yes." Bill said chuckling. "So anyways, I was at school late and he had been kind of flirty all week. And I was on the hallway and he just passed by me and winked. So I said to myself, today is the fucking day you are getting this guy undressed on a school table. So I turned grabbed his arm, pulled him into a room and said what is the deal?! And he just kissed me. So until now it was all cool, it was pretty hot but then you won't believe what fucking happened."

"What happened?"

"Principal Gleeful walked in! I don't know why the fuck he was there but he just opened the door and saw it. We looked at him and we just stayed there like those moments in rom coms that people do that and he just closed the door."

"And said nothing?!"

"No! And like nothing at all! I mean Arthur still works there and I'm not in trouble. Seriously it was bizarre."

"I kind of feel like our school has problems right now."

"Our school has a lot of problems."

"And I feel Mr. Gleeful has problems."

"He does have a lot of problems. I mean have you seen his kid?!" Bill said laughing.

"Bill that wasn't funny it just made me stressed." Dipper said also laughing.

"Well you don't seem stressed." Bill said pushing Dipper away.

"I'm not actually."

That's when Dipper stopped. He truly wasn't stressed. Well, that was rare.

Bill was looking at him funny. Dipper had gone inside his thoughts again. Bill did indeed find that adorable.

"You okay there, Pine tree?"

"Yeah it's just- It's even weird not to feel stressed you know? I feel like I haven't relaxed in the last three years." Dipper stopped and looked over at Bill he had his arrogant smile on. "I hate to admit but yes there is something about you that makes me feel confortable and safe."

Dipper looked at Bill and his smile was way to big. Okay he was going to laugh. Dipper already started feeling ridiculous.

"Like a boyfriend?" Bill said and made Dipper stiffen up.

Shit. He had built that trap for himself.

"Don't get all happy."

"That wasn't a no."

"Well, yeah it was."

"Sure, I'll pretend like that is true." Bill said as the rest of their friends came back and Dipper couldn't say anything.

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