Chapter 5

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Dipper arrived at Bill's door and rang the bell. The blond haired boy quickly showed up and brought him in apologizing that his parents were travelling so there was nobody at his home other than himself at the moment.

Dipper walked past a huge living home into a really fancy dinning room then up some stairs into a marvelous corridor. It was full of portraits on the walls. Most of them he recognized Bill in different ages. There was a really cute one of him with ice cream all over his face that looked like he was around 8. There were some portraits of his parents together. They were a pretty cute couple. His mother looked amazing in her wedding dress. There was also some pictures of an older boy Dipper thought he had already seen in school but had now graduated. After passing by several doors they got into one that had a huge poster. It read top ten mottos you should live by. Bill pulled Dipper inside before he could read the mottos.

Bill's room truly looked like something out of a Wes Anderson movie. It was painted a light red. It had lots of posters on the wall. On the main wall it had a The Grand Budapest Hotel next to a Chaplin's The Kid. On another there was a Phantom of the Opera next to another poster on a musical called Next to Normal that Dipper didn't know.

"I didn't know you were rich." Dipper managed to say.

"My parents are rich. Me... Well, not that much since they don't like me that much." Bill said laughing.

"You must be exaggerating." Dipper said sitting down on an office chair in front of Bill's table.

"I'm not." Bill pointed at himself. "Gay. Film major. Not the best student. Throws parties. Gets drunk. Has hipster friends. In other words: the family disappointment. Thank God they have my brother."

"Haven't I already seen him in school?" Dipper asked while watching Bill leave the room and come back with another chair.

"Yeah. William, the perfect. Honestly, I don't know how you can be more stereotypical then my brother. A+ student, graduated top of his class, he was president of every Goddamn club and now he is on the second year of Harvard Law. So yeah. But then again I'm pretty stereotypical too." Bill said putting the chair next to him and sitting down. "But anyway, please change the subject I hate this one." Bill asked blushing.

"You saw those?" Dipper asked pointing at the Broadway posters.

"Yeah!" Bill said with his perfect smile coming back to his face. "When we went to New York. I made my parents buy me Next to Normal tickets. They didn't want to go. Too cult for them. But I had to! I mean Aaron Tveit was in it!"

"Sorry, who?" Dipper asked embarrassed he didn't know the guy that Bill spoke as if he were such a huge deal.

"Just Broadway's God! I mean this guy is perfect and he is so hot!" Bill answered excitedly. "Sorry, geeked out a bit there. But the assignment!"

"Oh yeah the assignment." Dipper said turning to Bill's laptop. "Can I look up the instructions on the school website?"

"Pine tree, you can do whatever you want with me and all my stuff." Bill said back to his arrogant and yet seductive tone.

"Okay, you are definitely back on track." Dipper said making a smirk show up on Bill's face.

Just when he didn't seem so bad, Dipper thought. He opened the computer and the Internet page was already opened on some youtube channel. Dipper typed in the school web address.

"Physics. You like it right?" Bill said starting conversation.

"Yes. A lot." Dipper simply responded opening the file with their instructions.

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