Chapter 16

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"You look pissed." Arabella said opening the door of her house to see Bill standing in front of it.

"That's because I am incredibly pissed." He responded and walked in the house.

They both climbed the stairs to Arabella's room so they could talk. Her room was in the cellar. It was also full of posters all of them from movies and a couple from indie bands.

"So how was you trip?" Arabella asked sitting on the corner of her bed as Bill sat on his usual spot with his back upon the wall looking at her.

"Your boyfriend is fine if that is what you want to know." Bill answered grumpily.

"It wasn't. I wanted to know how it went and how American Psycho was and if Ben Walker is better than Matt Smith but I guess you are not in the mood to talk about that. Yes Dipper told me and I think you are being pretty unfair."

"Unfair? Unfair?! Arry he was kissing Ash! Like in the patio!"

"He didn't want to."

"Oh come on! They kissed for a good time!"

"More than you and him?"

Bill was silent with his mouth opened for a little while.

"No but still!"

"No "but still", you are being jealous and protective."

"Me?! Me being jealous?! Says the girl who still worries about the dating life of the guy she dumped that lives in Boston."

"Okay, yeah I am incredibly jealous and you know I only broke up with Will because long distance doesn't fucking work. But you, Mr. Cool, you always say there is no problem in people you like being with other people but look at you now!" Arry said loudly and Bill got up. "And it wasn't even on propose! In the audio message he sent me, he sounded pretty fucking worried and he said Ash forced the kiss, he said he felt invaded! Like come on, Cipher!"

Bill walked in a small circle and turned to her again.

"The thing is yes, I don't care and even if Ash is pretty attractive let's agree he isn't competition when compared to me. But he was fucking pissed when I did it so I have all the right to be too!" Bill said looking a bit hurt.

"But you actually wanted to hook up with Ash. Dipper didn't. He even asked a million times in the one minute of audio if you would be mad at him." Arabella responded.

Bill stopped once more and sat next to her on the bed.

"If he cares so much about what I think, then he likes me and if he likes me why don't we just..." He stopped with his mouth opened to say the words but not really being able to.

"Fuck?" Arabella questioned looking at him a bit grossed out.


"That's pretty awful. I mean from what I got that is exactly what he doesn't want. That is for you two to be just a one night stand."

"But I don't want that neither!"

"Really? Like Bill don't take it the wrong way but I can't imagine you in a relationship."

"I'll take that as you thinking that I am way to pretty to be with just one guy."

Arabella laughed and hugged Bill's neck. He looked panicky now.

"Calm down, Dorito!" She said shaking him.

"I don't know, Arry. I mean you know that song "Death of a Bachelor"? By Panic! at the disco."

"Yeah, I love it."

"I feel like that right now. Like I think I would have a life time of laughter if I did end up dating Dipper but I don't know if I am willing to sacrifice my single status for that. But there is something so incredibly odd about Dipper. First I don't want to have wasted all this time in investing on him to just hook up and maybe have sex with him-"

That artsy kid (Billdip AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя