Skyler Lee and Niall Horan

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Skyler's POV

"Oops! I'm so so so sorry!" I say as I try to the get up off the ground. I'm in Crackle park. Weird name, I know. But it's my favorite park, it has been ever since HE brought me here on our first date. I look up at who I ran into and fall back again. It was HIM!

"Um.. Hi, no need to apologize, it was my fault. I should probably help you up now shouldn't I?" he asks me. I chuckle quietly and grab his outstretched hand.

"Thanks." I nod and start to walk away. I can't believe that HE was back here. Niall James Horan was back in Mullinger. THE same boy that I dated for two years before he left for the X-factor where we ended it, on a good note, surprisingly.

"Hey, Sky, wait up!" I hear from behind me. I instantly stop walking when I feel his hand on my arm. Yupp, the sparks were definitely still there. I look up at him; a section of his hair is falling on his face and it takes all I have in me to not brush it away. "I was wondering, if you know you weren't busy or anything. If you.. you would wanna.. if you could. you know. um.. I'm not very good at this. This hasn't gotten any easier." I laugh at his attempts. I know where he is going with this and I notice the butterflies in my stomach increase by the ten fold. "Skyler Lee, would you by any chance wanna take a walk with me?"

"Now Niall.. I know that your mum always wants you home by 9:30," I say in a baby voice, "and it's 9:20. Do you think it's a good idea to ask me now?" I say, putting a hand on my hip. I bust out laughing at his face. I don't think he expected the first real sentence I say to him after a year and a half would be a sarcastic, joking one. "I'm just kidding Niall. I would love to." Niall let's go of my arm and holds out his hand.

"Well, on that better note. Let's walk!" I grab his hand. My grin almost splitting my face in two.


"So how has everything been?" I ask him when we come to the center of the park. We've been walking for 20minutes and it seems like he never left. We've talked about pretty much everything in my life there is to. Now it's his turn.

"Everything has been amazing. The guys are amazing. You really need to meet them. I have a feeling that all of you would get along very well." He answers. It's good to know that he's been good, but it's also sad because that means that he wasn't missing anything or anyone..

"That sounds funn. But what about the singing, the song writing, the performing. How does it feel to know you have achieved dream?" I ask him, suddenly curious. He stops and pulls me in a hug.

"It's been everything I could imagine and more. But you know what would make it absolutely perfect?" he asks me, pulling away.

"Humm?" was my reply, nervous of his answer.

"You." He answered, leaning down and kissing me.

That was the best answer he could've ever had.


I really hope you like this(:

I personally really like this one.xD


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