Tulisa, Nicole and Isobel

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Tulisa's POV

hi. I'm Tulisa. I'm a judge on the X Factor. My CoJudge just happens to be my boyfriend, Nicole. That's the best part of my life. The worst? My daughter, Isobel, went missing when she was 3. I haven't seen her since, we spent days, months looking for her, but nothing happened. Two years ago, she would have been 10, there was this girl who got pushed off a roof. The pictures looked a lot like what I pictured my little girl to be. That's the only thing that has happened ever since she went missing, it's been nine years.

Isobel's POV

I'm in the audience of the x-factor. I've always wanted to come here and be on the show but for now I'm just in the audience. There's a hand rapidly waving at me from the doorway. I walk over there and I am completely surprised that it's Kayla. When we were 10 we were playing on the roof, stupid I know but we did, and we got in an argument and she pushed me of. Ever since then I've never talked to her.

"Hi, Isobel," she smirks.

"Kayla" I nod, wanting to get away.

"Can you please look at me," she begs. "I'm so sorry for pushing you. I was a stupid teen year old. I really want to be friends again. I hope you can get past that." I look at her and after a while slightly nod. I open my arms for a hug She smiled before accepting it. I hug her and right when I was going to pull away I felt her fist connect with the back of my skull. I instantly fall to the ground and feel her feet on side. I just sit there as the black takes over.

Tulisa's POV

I couldn't believe what I saw. I only noticed the girl when Nicole pointed her out, she looks like me and what we think Isobel would look like now. She looks about the same age too. She walks up to this girl and after a while they hug. Then the other girl starts hitting her. I instantly point them out to Louis and Gary. They run over and stop the girl then escorted her out. Between Nicole and I we carry the girl back stage and leave her with the nurse to get back to the show.

The whole entire show my mind was on that poor girl. So I was happy when I could finally go back to her. The nurse had put ice packs on her side and head and she was still sleeping. Since she was still sleeping and everybody had to go home Nicole and I decided to just take her to my house. When we got there we layed her down in the guest bed room and walked down stairs.

That while night I never heard her get up but in the morning I noticed that some bread was gone along with a knife during out. She must have got something to eat. I panicked. What if she left? I ran up the stairs and was happy to find out she was still there. I knew I had to go back to work so I quickly wrote her a note.


My name is Tulisa. Your at My house. I'm at work right now and will be back at three. Make yourself at home. If you have any problems Nicole, she loves next door, should be there, go there.


I set the note on her night stand and left to get ready.

Isobel's POV

I woke up in a weird room. I looked around and saw a note.


My name is Tulisa. Your at My house. I'm at work right now and will be back at three. Make yourself at home. If you have any problems Nicole, she loves next door, should be there, go there.


Right as I got done reading a sharp pain went through my stomach. I ran into what I thought the bathroom would be, I was correct and glad of it because soon I was throwing up. Once I was done I noticed I threw up blood. I remember the note and ran over to Nicole's house. Tears were streaming down my face and I was holding my stomach. I had no idea what was going on, the last thing I clearly for sure remember was hugging Kayla.

The door opened and a gorgeous women stepped out.

"Oh! Whats wrong?" She instantly asked.

"Stomach and threw up blood." I barely got out before she was pushing me to her car.

"We're going to the hospital and I'm calling Tulisa now." She said so far I barely heard her. She got to the hospital in 5 mins and the doctor was with us instantly. She gave me pain killers first then did some tests that I don't fully remember.

What I do remember though is asking up to a girl I'm pretty sure is Tulisa crying loudly, smiling and Nicole holding her hand, smiling like an idiot.

"What's going on?" I asked, curious as to why they where looking at me like that.

"There's two good news. What one do you want first? the good or the amazing news?" Nicole asked me.

"Let's just start of with good,"I said.

"The pain in the stomach and throwing up blood was because of Kayla. There's nothing wrong with your body. The doctor gave Tulisa pain pulls for you." Nicole clapped her hands. A smile appeared on my lips. It was nothing serious.

"The amazing news?" I asked.

"Your my daughter!" Tulisa spoke up. Her voice cracking and both of our smiles stretching even more. I actually had a good mom! I leaped out of the bed and pulled her into a hug. I actually had a mom!


Hope you like it! I had to rewrite it a couple times..... So here you finally go!!


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