Sydney and Ashton Irwin

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Sydney's POV

'Dress warm. I'm taking you skating." Was all I heard before he hung up. Ashton was apparently taking me ice skating... this was going to be very interesting! I've never actually went ice skating before.. I've slide on iced over puddles and stuff like that, so I don't think he knows what he's getting himself into here.

I quickly got dressed with a couple sweatshirts and by fuzzy socks. Right as I go done the doorbell went off and Ashton was walking through the door. I ran into his waiting arms and instantly felt complete. We've been going out for almost a year already and I absolutely love him. He makes everything right!

"Hello beautiful," he whispers in my ear. My cheeks instantly heat up and a whisper a 'good' back. I'm surprised that he even heard me. He just chuckles, taking my hand and leads me out to his car.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence we reached the ice rink. I was really excited and nervous at the same time. I was excited because I was going to spend time with Ashton and do something I've always wanted to try but scared because I've never ice skated before.

We go into the ice rink and Ashton goes to get our skates and all that stuff while I just sit and wait. I looked at all the people in the rink already, some being amazing and looking exactly like they've been ice skating since they were little and some, like me, that have never been on skates before...

Hands cover my face and I instantly freeze and have a moment of absolute freak out before his voice whisper 'guess who' in my ear. Shivers run down my back and I smile.

"I don't know." I laugh.

"Well.. I'll make you know," I could hear the smirk in his voice as his hands leave my eyes. I don't have time to open my eyes before his lips are on mine. Whenever we kiss I feel like I'm on a different planet. I have a smile engraved to my face as he helps me get the skates on. I shakily get up with Ashtons help and laugh when we almost fall over.

"Have you ever gone ice skating?" I ask.

"All the time," he answers. "We always went ice skating on my grandmas lake, it's a little different than this but I did it constantly." I just laughed and shrieked once we actually got on the ice. The ice was a lot slipperier than I thought it would be. Ashton just laughed and caught me.

I clung to Ashton and  the wall. I couldn't get the hang of it, it took us like 15 minutes to get around the whole rink.

"Okay, give me your hands, both of them," he said, holding out his hands for me to take. "Okay, keep your ankles straight, and stay stiff for right now." I did as he said and he dragged me, skating backwards. After making it half way around the rink he stopped once again. "Now I want you to actually move your feet, i like to think of it like running, i guess." We did that for a while again. I surprisingly didn't have a problem with it. He then went on to let go of my hands. I got off good. I was flipping out! he actually got me to skate!

"Thanks!" I yell and hug him, kissing his cheek.

"Hey," he frowns. "You missed." I laugh as he leans down and kisses me. Some one apparently doesn't like it cause they push Ashton and he turns us so I land on him. We are both busting up in giggles and I lean down to kiss him once again. I honestly don't care what other people think. I can kiss this amazing guy whenever I want and I am going to!

FINALLY got it up!! Hope you like it(:


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