Rose and Niall Horan

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Rose's POV

Niall Horan and I have been going out for a week today. Are first date? Tonight! My friend Macy has decided she was going to take over and make me go through all the steps to make me look perfect. So that leads us to where we are, 10 minutes until Niall comes and I'm not dressed yet. My hair is curled and my face has more make up on the normal, and I talked her into letting me where flats instead of heels, she refused to let me where my converse. Right now we're fighting over what I should wear. She's trying to get me into a dress, I'm refusing. I never have and never will wear a dress just for a date. I wanna wear my skinny jeans and a "fancy" top. But it's not fancy enough apparently.

"You need to look perfect!" She said, sighing.

"I needa look like me! Im not gonna be something I'm not! It's are first date, I'm being me. You've got my hair curled and make up, is that enough?" I ask.

"I think it's more than enough," a voice came from my doorway. I jumped around to see Niall leaning against the doorway. My jaw dropped and I just starred. He was wearing black pants and a button down shirt. It doesn't sound like much, but damn, it is.

"I'll leave and let you get ready. Bye Rose," she came over and hugged me whispering 'good luck' in my ear. When she walked out the door I noticed just how much clothes I had on. I was wearing a bando and spandex. The best thing to start your first date wearing.

"Here," Niall said, handing me clothes and closing himself in the bathroom. I didn't even notice he wasn't by the door anymore. I looked down at what he gave me. A dark green tank top with my favorite pair of skinny jeans. I put it on and yelled for Niall to come out. "Damn!" I blush and look down. "Come on," He whispered holding out his hand, "time to go." I slipped on my sandals and left the house. We got into the car and drove for 20 minutes.

"Niall, where are we going?" I finally ask. It's been bugging me the whole time we have been in the car.

"Some where. You'll love it. Trust me," he said, looking at me and winking before he grabbed my hand. I loved the way everything fit perfectly. Like we were ment to be together. Soon he pulled off to the side of the road in front of a field.

"N, were by a field. What's going on? Are you going to kill me? My own boyfriend's going to kill me. I never thought I'd go this way. I'M TO YOUNG TO DIE!" I yelled, trying to keep the grin off my face.

"Geez, you sure are something. Come on, time to walk." He got out of the car, running over to my side and helping me out to. He bent down and squatted in front of me. "Hop on!" I laughed as I climbed on his back. It took us around five minutes to get to where we were going. We talked about random stuff the whole time. He sat me down and turned to face me. "I hope you like it," he whispered.

"No, I don't like it," His face completely dropped. "I love it." He had set up a table like at a fancy dinner. we were at the end he of the field and the trees around the table had Christmas lights on them. It was perfect. He guided me to my chair and then sat down. We had tacos and chips. Not the fanciest thing but to me it was the best thing ever. After we were done he pulled out a blanket and a box of chocolates. Don't ask me where he got them though. He played the blanket down and played down, patting the spot next to him. I slowly played down and slowly moved over to him. Soon I was laying in his arms, eating chocolates and watching the stars. The perfect way to end to perfect date.


Hope this is what you wanted!!


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