Allanah and Luke Brooks

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Allanah's POV

"Allanah in the hoouse!" I yell as I step into Luke's house. I hear footsteps pounding down the stairs and soon I'm tackled in a hug.

"Movie time?".Luke asks.

"Movie time," I conclude. Luke and I have been best friends for a really long time, since the diaper days. We do almost everything together, with Jai tagging along most of this time. I'm also really close to Jai, just on a... different level. Want to know a secret? I think I'm in love with Luke. Crazy right? I really wish we were the cliche best friend couple, but we aren't. Jai is the only one that knows, and he constantly teases me about it. But anyways, every Wednesday Luke and I have a movie night, just the two of us.

"What movie?" he asks.

"SUPERMAN!" I shout. He just shakes his head at me and puts the movie in. I may have a slight obsession with that particular super hero. Luke comes and sits down next to me, I lean into him, putting my head on his shoulder and he replied by putting his arm around my shoulders. I could instantly feel the butterflies and the blush that warmed my checks.

"We're missing something aren't we?" Luke asks me. I just shrug, not really knowing what he's getting at. He just smirks. "Close your ears, babe." I blush at babe and do as he tells me to. "JAI!! GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE!" He shouts, laughing.

"What!" a crabby, pissed off Jai says. His face instantly softens when he sees us, well, me. "Awe, look at the two love birds." Jai smirks when he sees my glare. "Anyways, what did you want Luke?"

"Snacks," Luke replies in a baby voice. I giggle, he did all of this for some popcorn. He even paused the movie, refusing to keep watching until we got what he wanted.

"Why don't you go get them yourselves?"

"I don't know about Al, but I'm to comfy to move," Luke says, looking straight at Jai so I couldn't see his face. It looked like they were a conversation with each other silently. It kinda creeps me out when they do this.

"Fine, I'll go get you some snacks!" Jai says, stomping to the kitchen.

"To comfy to move, huh?" I say. Luke forces a laugh, looking away from me. I put my hand under his chin and force him to look at me. He's blushing. "Awe, my little babys blushing!" I tease.

"You want me to make you blush, my little Allanah?" he asks me.

"I'm not the one blushing now, now am a I?" was my smart reply.

"Let's change that shall we?" Luke said, confusing me. This until he leaned down and kissed me. I've thought about kissing him before, but I never thought it would be this good. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy and sparks were flying all around my body.

"Woe!" then a couple seconds later, "Sorry! I was never here!" Jai said, and ran out of the room... with the snacks.

"Its okay bro, come back in. I want the snacks!" Luke yelled back at Jai. Luke then looked down at me, to see my checks aflame. "Told you I could make you blush." That just made my cheeks become even more red. Jai came back on with the snacks.

"I knew this was gonna happen! Told you Allanah!" I just smacked my forehead as he ran out.

"Allanah?" Luke asks. "What was he talking about?"

"Ummm... nothing?" I said, but it came out as a question.

"Humm... well, on that note, Allanah, my all-time best friend in the whole entire world, will you become my girlfriend? I love you, I've loved you for a while already." I couldn't believe my ears. My best friend that I love more than a best friend, just told me he loved me back. This isn't happening. This can't be happening, how could he even like me like that? Luke is amazing. How could he like me?

"I DO love you. You were thinking out loud again. But this is happening, I know it's kinda cliche and all, best friends becoming boyfriend and girlfriend, but I'll be cliche for you, and only you! How could I like you? How could you like me? I mean you are the most amazing girl I have ever met, you are so beautiful and I love how you blush so easily, how you look when you blush, how you don't care how you look around me, you are beautiful no matter what you wear. I love you, I pretty much always have and I always will." I couldn't believe my ears, I didn't know what to say, so instead I used action. I kissed him,putting everything I felt into that one kiss. He pulled back, resting his forehead against mine. "Allanah, will you do the pleasure of being my girlfriend?" Luke asked me.

"I would absolutely love to, Luke," I replied. Kissing him once again, the movie and snacks completely forgotten.

"I love you Allanah."

"I love you even more, Luke." And I meant it with all my heart.


I hope you like this.. I sure did! I had to look up Luke for this.. then I started looking at all the janoskians videos and the twins videos too. I was up until 3 in the morning watching their videos. Thanks for getting me hooked(;


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