Chelsea and Zayn/Louis

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Zayn's POV

We're at yet another meet and greet. Don't get me wrong I love all my fans but sometimes I just want rest. We've been on tour for five months only two more to go. We're in America right now and we get to stay here in Orlando for a two week break. After this it starts and Its almost done. I hug another fan when I spot the most beautiful girl I ever have. She's the last in the group and I cant wait till its her turn. I look over at Louis to see how he is when I see he's staring at her too. Guess I wasn't to only one to notice her beauty.

"Hey, I'm Zayn, What's your name beautiful?" I ask the little girl clutching on to her hand like it's life support. I wink at the girl.

"I'm Monica," the little one answers.

"Hello there Monica," I say, running a hand through my hair. "What about yours gorgeous?"

"Chelsea." We talk a little bit before she has to move on. "Buh Bye," she says then walking on to Louis. When he's talking to him he gives her a hug and then she looks back and winks at me. After she's all done everybody gets up and security pushes us out. I see Chelsea and Monica sitting on the curb.

"You guys, I'm gonna go and see them," I point them out to the others and they all nod, not really paying attention to me at all. Louis was telling them about one of the girls he saw during the meet and greet but I wasn't paying attention to him. I run over to Chelsea and put my hands over her eyes, signaling to Monica to keep who I was quiet.

"Who is it?" she asks, her voice shaking a little. I didn't mean to scare her so I let go.

"Only me!" I say, going around and sitting on the curb too. "I noticed you guys over here so I decided to come keep you company." I wink at her.

"It's okay, I bet they guys are wondering where you are. We'll be fine, Monica's mum should be here soon." When she mentions the boys I look back at them. Louis is glaring at me and Niall is looking at me with confusion. What's going on there?"

"I guess I should go back. But, only if you promise your gonna be okay and I can get your number?" I look over at Monica and wink. She must be atleast eight. Monica nods at me and winks back. I like her.

"Now why would I do that?" Chelsea asks.

"So that this lonely boy here can come visit Monica anytime I want!" I joke.

"Fine, but only because of that!" She says, laughing. She puts her number in my phone. I give Monica a hug and Chelsea a kiss on the check before running back over to the guys, who are still waiting out side the car.

"What's going on?" I ask, a smile still on my face.

"Nothing," Lou mumbles then jumps in the car. Everyone follows him and soon we're on our way back to the hotel.

Louis' POV

I can't believe him. I was the one that was talking about her then he goes and talks to her before I could even see her. Chelsea is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Her long brown hair and bright blue eyes made me want to melt the first time I saw her. I slipped my number into her CD and I'm hoping that she'll text me back soon. Zayn had gone over and talked to her for a long time and I really hope that he doesn't like her like I do cause then this was going to turn out bad.

Chelsea's POV

Zany Mailik asked for my number.

Louis Tomlinson gave me his number.

Two famous people now have my number and I have there's. This is crazy, and all because of my little cousins newest faze. I love Monica right now. Zayn had texted me asking if I wanted to come over today. I have been texting Zayn constantly after he asked me this morning and now I'm waiting for him to come pick me up.

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