And it was lost

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  "Alyaaaa....??? What about her...?? " Nandini frowned and asked Manik

"don't tell me Manik that you fought with her...!! " this time she sat straight and widened her eyes.
" no ; not exactly but yes I had an argument with her and its been 1 week we are not talking.." Manik replied to her without making an eye contact.

"Whaaaaattttt...??" Nandini shouted . It's been a week and you haven't told me and today also you were trying to hide it from me... Haan...????" Nandini shouted in anger and slapped him.

"Aaaaauuuuccchhhhh....!!! Lag gayi mujhe" Manik replied in pain.

"my intention was exactly the same..!!! " she replied.

" your hands are quite heavy I must say...!! It's hurts maaaann...!!! " Manik said pressing his cheek which has just witnessed a slap from Nandini

"you want it on the other one too.??" Nandini asked
Manik took a cushion and covered his face and said "Please bear with my charming face Nandu.. Please"

"Nautanki....!! Come on now tell me Kya baat hai..?" She came to the point and removed that cushion 

"nothing big.. Just normal arguments.. You know na how it goes..?? Arguments are bound to happen..!! You don't take stress . I"ll sort it out really soon. Don't worry..!!" Manik tried to explain things to her.

"you sure na Manik , there's nothing big..?? " Nandini questioned back him again in a more concerned tone..
" haan baba.. Am sure.. Nothing big.. I"ll fix it soon.. Things will be fine.." Manik replied with a smile .

This time Nandini had fallen into it. Manik lied to her and she believed him. The problem between Manik and Alya was even bigger than Nandini could ever think of. But Manik didn't wanted her to know this and he felt relaxed that she could not guess it this time . Nandini was about to get the biggest shock of her life ...!!  


  Nandini found a change in Alya's behaviour from quite some time . Whenever she used to call her she would talk to Nandini very formally and not like before . She wanted to ask about this strange behaviour of hers from Manik but then he himself came up with the argument thing. Nandini thought that it might be cause of the argument between the two that she is behaving weird but then Manik told Nandini that all was good between them but then too Alya did not communicated with Nandini properly. It was Nandini only who use to cal her and Alya use to hang up the call really soon and did not talk properly rather she was very rude to Nandini at times.


Nandini was surprised on this changed behaviour of Alya. She at times told Manik about it but then he would just blew away the topic and not respond to it. When things started getting even worse Manik consoled her that he will talk to Alya about it and that she should not call her if she is not interested in talking to her.
But he actually made no effort. Things did not sort out. Nandini now was very clear in her mind that Alya's problem concerned her only but she could not guess what it actually was.

one day water crossed its danger level line and Nandini was on call with Manik.

"Manik is the last time I am asking you... Are you telling me the matter with Alya or should I ask her myself ; and this time I want no excuse." Nandini shouted on Manik.

"Okkk fineeeee.... Finnneeee..!!! Am telling you." Manik said and took a deep breath.

Manik took a long pause before he could start. " I am waiting Manik" Nandini said . Manik then started "Alya thinks that i am cheating on her on you. She complaints that all my time is ours and I hardly pay attention towards her . She thinks I have developed feelings for you and she feels betrayed .."

"Whaaaaatttt theeee heellll...??? What is wrong with her.? Is she out of her mind.? How can she even think this..? You are cheating on her and that toooo for me..?? Like seriously...?? Has she lost her senses or what..??" Nandini shouted in the loudest voice she could .
"You wait... Let meeeeee talk to her and bring her back into her senses . How can she even think like this." She continued while Manik was only listening .

"No no please you don't talk to her. Please . I am requesting you don't talk to her. I will handle the situation . I will talk to her and make her understand . Trust me." Manik requested her and assured her to make things fine .

Nandini was in a big shock that how could Alya even think like this. She always found Alya to be a sorted girl and didn't expected such crap from her. She very well knew about her and Manik's friendship. Nothing was hidden from her , yet she came up with this . Nandini couldn't find a reason why Alya never spoke to her on this topic . She was really upset with her. Alya's name was making her angry.

Few more days passed and Manik told Nandini that Alya is fine now and have no doubts but she should not call her until Alya calls her first.
As Nandini expected Alya didn't called her up and neither she did. Now even she was really mad at Alya that how could she even think like this.

And then one day while going through her mail box ; Nandini found a mail from Alya. Nandini was all numb and speechless after reading that mail from Alya.

That mail was a big shock for Nandini. Alya wrote everything about Manik and his feelings for Nandini in that mail. She wrote how everytime he talked about Nandini only to her ; how he wanted to spent all his time only with her and not with Alya. For their farewell they both went for clothes shopping togather and instead of taking clothes of Alya's choice ; he took those clothes and of those colors which were Nandini's fav. Manik all the time compared Alya with Nandini and they would have a tiff over it. When Manik was confronted by Alya ; he accepted that he has feelings for Nandini. Alya was deeply affected by all this. She was even hospitalised as her health detoriated cause of the stress. Since her parents knew everything about her and Manik they confronted him and were really mad on him. He then assured them that he would stop communicating with Nandini and be loyal to Alya only. But Manik could not keep his promise . He continued talking to Nandini and lied to Alya that both of them are now not in contact. But Manik's phone revealed all the secret as it has call log and messages. Alya was again shattered. This time her family decided to talk to Nandini. It was then Manik started to push Nandini away and tried to end the contact.. Alya had blamed Nandini for making her life hell. For everything that had happened in her life . For taking Manik away from her.

Nandini was in a big shock. She was not able to decide that how she should react. All this was happening in her friends life and she had no clue about it. She was totally unaware of each and everything written in that mail. She was being blamed of making her buddy's life a hell..!!

 Nandini then recalled past few weeks where the frequency of calls and messages from Manik was decreased. She thought that it would be because of his college but now she knew the actual truth . She was really furious on him. She could not imagine that her best friend ; her buddy would do all this to her. Even she didn't contacted him and neither told him about the mail but send a reply mail to Alya assuring her that Manik would stay hers only and she would never come in between them.

Nandini didn't had a word with Manik from the day she read the mail. As it is he was trying to push her away and she helped him by not contacting him further.

Months passed by and everyone was busy in their life. Manik and Nandini were no more togather. She didn't even took news of his well being from anyone else. She was really furious on him.. One day while getting ready for college Nandini received a message from Alya in which she had asked Nandini to meet her.

Nandini at first got annoyed when she saw the message and deleted . But after few days she again got the same message so she decided to meet her to finally end all this stuff. She called her in a cafe near to her college. Nandini went there at the decided time and found both Alya and Manik over there.

She with a faded smile greeted them with just a simple hi. No hugs and no handshakes. She saw Manik after months and tried to avoid him as much she could .

"How are you Nandini.?" Alya questioned her. "I am fine Alya ; you say how's u..?" Nandini replied. "I am good. Thanks for coming" Alya went further with the convo . "It's ok Alya tell me what's the matter.? Why you wanted to meet me.?" Nandini questioned Alya totally forgetting the presence of Manik.

Alya then started "Nandini... Look I did not wanted to hurt you or neither I wanted you guys to be separated. I always loved your friendship that you had with me and with Manik. My two special people were friends with each other and I could have asked for nothing more . But things turned out really bad and everything was messed up." Alya tried to explain things to Nandini.

"it's ok Alya.. I understand.. You were not wrong. May be I would have reacted the same way you did. You don't need to worry ; Manik is yours and you both will not face any problem because of me." Nandini replied to Alya without even looking at Manik.

All this while Manik was quite. He did not said anything. Nandini made herself very clear that she has walked out of his life and both Alya and Manik didn't said anything on that and neither stopped her from doing so. 

After talking for few more mins Nandini was about to leave the place when Manik asked "shall we drop you somewhere.?" 

"I'll manage.." Replied Nandini bluntly and walked out from the cafe without looking back with a heavy heart that she has lost his buddy. She walked out from his life and he was ok with it. 

This thought made Nandini's heart and steps heavier. She was suffering with the biggest lose of her life. 

She lost a friendship ; she lost a friend ; her buddy...!

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