Back to square one

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 Nandini was shocked and surprised on Manik's behavior. The entire day she kept on calling Manik but he didn't answered her call. She even messaged him end number of times but he didn't replied to any one of them ; but was reading them all. She thought of calling Alya but then she dropped the idea cause it would create more problem.

Nandini felt heart broken . She was crying from inside but couldn't do anything. It was mid-night when she was lying on her bed and sobbing in the worry as to what has happened to Manik. She then realised something and opened her laptop. This time instead of making a login from her own account ; she did it from Mukti's account. This time she got it. His profile was very much there but he has blocked her.

Nandini was numb to what she actually just saw. She then checked her phone and witnessed that even there he has blocked her so that she could not send him messages. Nandini could not have even imagined Manik doing this to her. She kept on crying while in her mind she tried to think of a solid reason that made Manik do this but she couldn't get one. She cried the whole night and wasn't aware herself when she dozed off..!!!!


The very next morning Nandini again tried calling him but the result was all same. She then informed Mukti and Abhimanyu about the matter and they were shocked to listen all this about Manik. The little Mukti knew Manik ; she would have never thought that he could do all this to her. Even both of them tried calling him and all their efforts were in vain.

Nandini was all shattered. She thought zillions of times that what exactly made Manik do all this to her. The only reason she could think of was Alya. She thought that may be this time again Alya has did something cause of which he was behaving like this. She knew very well that Alya did not liked Manik meeting her soo many times and spending such quality time during his visits.

Nandini became really quite after the incident. She did not cried after that day but could not get all this out of her mind as well. She wasn't angry on Manik. She was angry on herself. She felt that she was being used emotionally. All she could do was to blame herself for everything that happened. She thought that if she wouldn't have behaved weird with Manik this would not have happened. She was now punishing herself for doing all this that made Manik take this step.


Nandini was completely lost now. She missed her college and stopped all her activity on social network . She hardly talked to anyone. Even Mukti couldn't comfort her ; she was not ready to talk. Mukti and Abhimanyu tried number of times that Nandini should talk about her pain and her feelings so that she feels light but she just wasn't ready to speak up. She went silent on this topic. In fact she went completely silent for the world except her family. Nandini asked Mukti to leave her alone for sometime.


Nandini never wanted her family to know about this. She always behaved very normally with them and in front of them. No one could even guess that she was the same Nandini that she becomes when she's alone. She use to talk to them , laugh with them , eat with them ; but all just to make sure that her family doesn't gets to know about her pain. Many days have gone by after that incident took place but there was no change in Nandini's behavior. Whenever she was alone ; she used to think of how things took a 360* turn in her life. 


It was the same usual night when Nandini was thinking about what happened before the incident ; how beautiful the things were and how things have changed today. Her eyes were wet but she tried her best not to let those tears fall from her eyes. Her eyes felt heavy and she closed them. The next time she opened her eyes she saw herself lying on the hospital bed.  

The stress and tension affected Nandini's health. Though her dad was himself a doctor but he consulted other doctors as well. They told them that there was nothing serious and it's just the tension and over stress that has affected Nandini's health. She needed a complete rest which would make her fine soon. Nandini's family thought that her stress and tension were due to her studies and career and they advised her to go on lightly and don't take much stress about her future.

Nandini was back home and now recovered. Mukti when heard this news was terribly angry on Manik. She would have actually banged his head on the wall if he ever appeared in front of her. She even messaged Manik and wrote whatever came to her mind. She was really upset to see Nandini's condition. She has never seen Nandini like this before. 

Mukti's message to Manik was full of anger and frustration. She warned him not to even think of coming back again in her life. Her message although did not affected Manik but he was tensed to know about her health which Mukti had mentioned in the message. This concern made Manik message her to take care of herself and get well soon. Nandini at first was surprised to see the message then she realised it must have been done by Mukti only but Nandini didn't responded to that message.


Mukti one day made a visit to Nandini's place. As usual Nandini was sitting alone and was lost in her own thoughts. She tried talking to her to divert her attention and she indeed was successful. Nandini was talking. She was becoming a part of the conversation . Mukti wanted that Nandini should come up with Manik's topic herself. It was important for her to talk. Because if she didn't talk ; her thoughts would again harm her as happened earlier. Finally she spoke. She spoke her heart out in front of Mukti and she like a loyal audience, heard Nandini quietly without saying a word. And now it was Mukti's turn to speak up.

Mukti made Nandini realized that this time it was not only Manik's friendship that made her feel so bad when he left but this time she had actually fallen for him. Nandini at first got really annoyed on listening to what Mukti said but she calmed Nandini and told her that she was not wrong. Nandini has actually fallen for him this time. She made Nandini recall all the past moments when she behaved weird with Manik. This weird behavior of hers was the clear indication that she was falling for him and didn't realized it herself at that moment.

Nandini was not ready to accept the fact that she has actually fallen for Manik. Priyali left her place and told her to give a thought on whatever she said. Nandini had thousands of questions in her mind. She could not make out that what she felt was something more than friendship or not. She recalled the last meeting of her with Manik when she felt really heavy when Manik was leaving her. Mukti's word kept on echoing in her mind and head. She was not able to decide whether she was right or not.


Nandini's family were now worried for her as it was the first time she detoriated her health cause of stress. They decided to go on a family holiday that would make Nandini relax and also refresh her mind. They decided to go on a tour to Kashmir.

They all left for Kashmir. Nandini enjoyed a lot there. Happiness now was returning back on her face. Her smile was no more a fake one. It was during that experience of witnessing nature from so close and spending some beautiful days in the heaven that she finally realized that Mukti was right. She had actually fallen for Manik. She accepted her feelings.


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