Played Again

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Things went on pretty well. Manik went back. This time Nandini was pretty much upset when Manik left. Those few days with Manik gave thousands of memories to Nandini. Not that she hasn't experienced it before but this time it was pretty different.

There was a change in Nandini's behaviour too as she wanted Manik to give more and more time to her but he kept busy. This behaviour of hers at times irritated Manik as well and he too sometime used to get annoyed on her.

Things weren't working out well between Manik and Alya too. Manik told her that he has broken up with Alya. But this break up wasn't official till now. No one knew that both of them are not togather ; not even their families ; except Nandini..!

Manik after few months of holi again came on a vacation. Only to be with Nandini for the last time..!

Manik and Nandini met. This time she wasn't willing to come out with him and wanted him to be at her place. But he forced her to come out with him. He took her on a long drive. Nandini's excitement level was on the top. They enjoyed their fullest. They ordered coffee in a cafe but before taking it Manik clicked a pic of the two cups of coffee and made it his wallpaper. He wanted to upload it on the Facebook too but Nandini didn't allow him to do so as she knew Alya would see it and again make fuss about it. But he didn't listened to her. He uploaded the pic and everyone got to know that the two are together having coffee and a gala time.

Nandini was right in predicting Alya's reaction over it. When she saw it she became furious and started messaging Manik. Both Alya and Manik were chatting over messages and Nandini saw the changed colors on Manik face.

Just sometime before he was enjoying with her but now he was tensed and seemed to be really pissed off. Nandini didn't had the need to ask him what was wrong. She could easily sense what had just happened. Now even Nandini's mood was off. She went on silent mode.

Manik noticed her silent mode. She used to get silent when ever she was fuming in anger. Nandini was actually very mad at Alya that time. Manik didn't insisted her to speak as he knew she won't and if she spoke up it would be nothing less than a volcano who had just blast. They both decided to return back. Manik dropped her home and she went. A super memorable day was spoiled by Alya in the last.


It was the day when Manik had to leave. Nandini was really upset this time on his leaving. She even sobbed at times from the thought that Manik is again going. They had met no of times within this visit of Manik. He even few times landed up in her house and had lunch with everyone. Nandini knew Manik would be busy in his packing so she didn't even called him up. She thought he would cal her when he gets time before leaving . But to her surprise he didn't called her ; instead landed up at her place. Nandini was quite surprised at him at that moment cause she knew that at last moment he needs to do his packing but he was there in front of her.
Manik had sometime left to catch his flight. He wanted to take Nandini out but she wasn't ready. She was really upset on the fact of Manik leaving again. Her heart felt heavy . She herself was surprised on her emotions. She tried a lot to cheer her mood up and get normal but she was unable to do so. The sadness was clearly visible in her eyes.

Nandini being a stubborn did not went out with Manik. They both stayed at home and had some talks. And then it was finally time for Manik to leave.

He got up from the couch and was ready to leave when he saw Nandini's dull face and sad eyes. He wrapped his arm around her from side and promised her to come back really soon.

They both went to the door in that position only. When Manik unwrapped his arm he witnessed that her eyes were wet. He quickly hugged her ; kept his hand on her head and consoled. He said that he will call her to his city really soon and then they both will enjoy.

The hug was broken. Manik said good bye to her and went towards his car. She was standing there with a very heavy heart. She was praying to her Aiyappa to make him look back once. He kept on moving towards his car and she kept on staring him. Finally he was gone. A tear rolled down her cheek. Manik didn't look back...!


Nandini herself wasn't aware why she was so sad this time when Manik left. He has left a couple of times before and it hasn't affected her but this time she was very sad. Her sadness was now turning into her insecurity. She wanted Manik to give more time to her but Manik kept busy. He at times used to get fed up because there Alya was back of him and here Nandini too was behaving weird. He tried his best to handle things. Nandini soon realised that her behaviour was not correct and that he would become really upset with her on this behaviour of hers. But the realisation took too long to come for her.


7 months before the present day..!!

It had been more than two weeks when Manik and Nandini hadn't talk to each other. Not that there was any problem but this time Nandini decided not to harass Manik any more and would talk to him only when he would be free or he wished to. There was no communication between the two from past more than two weeks. No messages and no phone calls. The last they talked was very normal.

Nandini was sitting with her laptop and was searching for a pic but was unable to find it. She then recalled that Manik had the same picture in his Facebook profile.

She searched for his profile but couldn't find it anywhere. She tried end no of times to search it but everytime the result was same. She was bit surprised not to see his profile. She thought that he has deleted it but could find a reason for this action. She messaged him but got no response as he didn't saw her message . She then tried calling him but the phone was not been answered .

It was night time now ; more than 12 hours had gone by and she kept on trying Manik's number only to listen the recorded message that the customer is not answering your call.

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