Hannah & Jungkook

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Hannah POV

all the girls when down and now its my turn, I was so nervous, I started to fiddle about with my dress a bit. I looked down and looked over to Leah.  she gave me a nod to come down. I took a deep breath and took a step down and I saw everyone's reactions. it was kinda amusing and for the first time I saw rap monster show any emotion on his face at all. I saw Jungkook. my wee kookie smiled while his jaw had dropped.

"wow, u look...look...beautiful..." he said stuttering. I giggled at his reaction and  hugged him. I had noticed everyone was looking at me. I felt really uneasy.

"you scrub up nicely yourself" I said as I kissed his cheek. we linked arms and began to enter the hall. it was even better with the lights out and the flashing lights going off. Leah did a pretty good job with that. we were all dancing until I saw everyone leave. Leah and V leaving then Suga and Jamie then finally Rap monster and Lacey.

"where are they going?" I asked Jungkook

"I don't know, they all went different places cause the guys are gonna tell they love them or something like that" I replied

I shrugged it off and continued to have a good night.  I went over to the drinks bar and was getting some punch when I heard his voice.

"hi Hannah" jimin said with a smile.  I felt slightly more at ease since me and him have put that situation behind us.

"heya Jimin, how do you find the prom?"

"brilliant am having a good time, let me guess your here with Jungkook?" he asked getting the ladle from my hands after I had it.

"yeah what about you?" I asked taking a sip of punch. he pointed over to the photographer.

"with her but she's doing some photos the now then in about 12 minutes she will be free to dance" he said through a smile. I was rather happy for him.

"she really pretty, am glad your having fun" I smiled and walked backed to join kookie again who was chilling at the side talking to Mr Maling.

"ooh hello Hannah, Jungkook has been talking to me about the new dance you are choreographing" he said with a smile. I saw Jungkook scratch the back of his neck and bit his lip. he looked so hot. 

"yeah am doing about of floor work and making sure my kicks and jumps are straight and controlled" I replied with the ut-most confidence.

"that is good do you remember your couple dance?" he asked. I was confused but of course I remembered it. it was like 2 or so months ago. 

"yes...of course why?" I replied. I turned and noticed Jungkook had wide eyes and stared at Mr Maling. I thought he was gonna kill him from the way he looked.

"I just need to record it as evidence tomorrow" he answered. seems logical as we need to record and take photos to show our progress in that subject and to see whether or not to drop the subject or go down a level.

"Anyway, I've to go someone told me the punch is spiked or something" he said walking over to the refreshments. kookie placed his arm around my waist and led me over by the dance floor. until I heard rap monster over standing by a microphone and Lacey with a guitar.

"come on now, its time for the event of the night, since we couldn't see the dance that won we get to see it now! Can the amazing couple make their way to the dance floor?"  rap monster shouted to the crowd.

I looked around and saw Jungkook leading me onto the middle of the dance floor. we had a spot light on us and I was so nervous and anxious and just uneasy.

"kookie, what are we doing?" I asked nervously.

"doing the couple dance for everyone since they couldn't be at the completion.

"what?...okay" I nodded I was excited but nervous at the same time.

Jungkook nodded and Lacey and she began to played, and Rap monster started to sing. it was beautiful to listen to. me and Jungkook started to dance. the whole room was quiet and all eyes were on us.

this time around when we danced it was the same as on stage at the completion, filled with passion, love and strength. since we had been working on control and strength, kookie's lifting and movements were more controlled and easier for him.  I couldn't stop smiling I was just too happy and enjoying myself. the music danced with us like water flowing down a river with rocks. everyone was dead silent and I couldn't help but put my all into the dance., was begin to be really sweaty but I didn't care I was dancing with the man of my dreams and in a place with the best atmosphere in the history of mankind.

once we all stopped the crowd when wild and Jungkook lifted me and spun me one last time. everyone told us how good we were and everything before the music for other music came on and everything was back to  normal.

"thank you guys so much" I said hugging rap monster and Lacey.

"not a problem but we gotta go so you kids have fun okay?" Lacey said leaving linked arms with rap monster and left.

"we all gotta go too but you guys have fun" Jamie said speaking for her, Leah, V and Suga. we all hugged and we walked them to the door. once we waved good bye. kookie held my hand and dragged me to the roof. before he opened the door for the roof. he covered my eyes.

"why? what? Kookie what's happening?" I asked through my giggling.

"wait and you will find out" he opened the door and took off the blindfold. "ta-da!"  

it was beautiful to see. the railings were coiled with fairy lights. it looked a little bit like snakes would be or flowers around a tree. then I saw that at the balcony bit, a stereo stood.

"Kookie...its beautiful" I said walking over to the balcony apart and looked up at the full moon.  the stars were shining so bright and glimmered.

"I'm glad you like it Hannah..." he said hugging me from behind. I held his hands and looked back up at the sky.

"this is just perfect, kookie..."

"am glad...Hannah... I need to tell you something..." I turned so I was facing him in his arms. I was worried and concerned. "I've never told anyone these words... because I never knew this feeling could existence...Hannah... I lov-"

"how romantic..." said a  voice which I recognized to be...Kim...

"Fuck off Kim" Jungkook said sliding his body in front of mine.

"d'aww don't say that baby... I mean... come on just tell her already...its breaking my heart not being with you...pranks over..."

my heart just dropped...prank?

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