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Jungkook POV

I woke up with butter licking my face. I laughed and sat up hugging her. but she wont sit still. she was really jumpy and bouncy but I don't think she was excited.

"woh, what's wrong girl...slow down" I chuckled "Hannah did you feed her? I think she's hungry" I got no reply. she usually has her head phones in writing music. she was writing me and the guys music. we became a sort of band since I asked Hannah to prom.

"Hannah?..." I said louder than before, I still didn't get any reply. I sat at the side of my bed running my hands through my hair. I sighed as I checked the time. 4 am bloody hell. I stood up and walked towards the kitchen. she's so into her music its hard to keep her away from her headphones and music. I stumbled through and I noticed the plates and cups were on the table some were taped up, she must of started to pack.

I walked over and picked up the plates with the tape on and placed them in a cardboard box. butter was barking at me. what's wrong with her. she's going mental. I feed her and she was quiet for a moment which gave me time to think.

Hannah wasn't in the apartment, I was starting to be a bit worried. I check to see her black and red running hoodie was gone I figured she was out running. but I was starting to be more worried she was gone a hour and she doesn't run for this long. I was worried.

I promised her I wouldn't do this but unlocked my phone and checked my tracked me app. me and Hannah set it up so if something was to happen we could check it but only for that reason. and this was a pretty good reason.

I saw she was at the harbour... but that's like the other side of town she never runs down there. because of all the hookers, criminals just the horrible side of town. also because she hated the smell of that place one time she was ick because of the heat and how it smelt. I checked up on it after 10 minutes she was still at the same position. this isn't good why is she just standing there and if am correct that's were the fishermen's warehouse is. then suddenly she disappeared I restarted the app but it was still gone. I grew worried I grabbed a pair of jeans, my car keys and jacket, then drove down.

the sun was on the brink of coming up and it was beautiful but I then focused on the road. the smell wasn't as bead but I was still unsure. I parked my car about two streets from the harbour. I got out and put my hood up on my leather jacket. I walked with a little bit of caution, this place is the really bad side of town. so I was always on my feet ready to attack if anyone was to come at me.

I suddenly stopped when I saw...kims car?

what's Kim doing here? I thought to myself. I quickly hid behind a empty alley way. I turned my head around the corner and to see her coming out the car with tow men in suits. I noticed the place was covered in them. As I was getting closer I grew nervous. If Hannah was in that building then why are there two cars and about 5 guys in black suits. and why was Kim there too?

I saw a opening in the street in front of the ware house door. No one was standing guard so I ran in side. I could hear laugher then a sound so horrible i can play it back in my head to this day. a sound so chilling I looked away and shed a tear...

it was the scream of Hannah...

those bastards. I knew if I just barged in I would be putting Hannah and I at risk. I pulled out my phone and called the police.

"thank u just hurry"

"we are on our way we should be there in 10 minutes"

I sighed in frustration and anger. In 10 minutes Hannah could be dead. I needed to slow them down or do something. The two love birds were arguing as to why Hannah wasn't making much of a reaction to there 'punishments' my anger was boiling like my blood. the frustration was going to come out but I had to stay focused for Hannah's sake.

"why isn't she doing anything?!" Kim screamed she then reached for one of her henchman's guns was. then she reloaded it and was about to way towards Hannah. if I was to do something now would be then time.

"step away from Hannah!' I screamed. everyone turned. all eyes on my. all the guys guns were pulled out a pointed towards me. "get away from her..."

"oh and who might you be? Jungkook?" the guy said he...he looks like the guys from...that article... the one...that killed her whole was him...

"let her go!" I shouted. he signalled his men to lower there guns.

"and why would I do that?...I mean.. she's rather fun to play with..." he walked over to Hannah lifting the chair up so she was sitting up right.

My blood was about to boil over.

the state she was in because of them. her hand had been burned really badly. her nose I think was broken. black eyes. cigarette burns. her white shirt was now bloody red. her hair was a mess and I could see a little chuck of it on the floor. she didn't look like Hannah. the bright and cheery Hannah i feel in love with. these guys were gonna pay.

he stood be hind her. he pulled her hair back and she lifted her chin up. revealing her beautiful swan like neck but damaged chin.

"I could see why u fell for her Jungkook. she is pretty damn fine, ain't she boys?" the guys nodded in agreement. I was about to run forward and punch him but he leaned down and kissed her. it was a long kiss.

The anger. I'm. going. to. kill. him.

he then stopped and looked back at me. there was something in his hands, its glimmering smiled pieced my heart. it was a knife.

"shame..." he said lifting the knife. and lightly touched Hannah neck with it. I saw her breath in and she was motionless. my heart was racing and I could feel myself sweating. my mouth was dry. I was so mad I wanted to rugby tackle him and stab him there and then but I knew he would slit her throat if I came anywhere near her. I didn't want her like this. it was killing me to see her like this. i let out one single tear. if I lose Hannah now. I don't know what I would do...

I loved Hannah.

my throat dry and empty.

"real shame..." he lifted the knife and then!...

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