♡3♡ The Plan

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World Domination? Of course, it's all mom ever talks about.

That. . . and revenge. Typical evil old mom. Well, here we go!

Still Honey Lemon's POV

"Go find Mrs. Anderson and bring me back her magic wand." Valka told us in our apartment.

"What's in it for us?" I asked.

"Matching thrones." She replied. "Hers and hers crowns."

"I think she meant us-" said Hiro, but got cut off.

"It's all about you and me," Mother told me. "Get me that wand, and I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!!" She shouted.

Gothel cleared her throat. "Our will." She corrected.

"Our will, our will." Valka repeated. "And if you refuse," she said. "You're grounded for the rest of your life."

"But mom!" I said. Mother looked into my eyes, and we had a staring contest. Well, it wasn't really a staring contest. It was a test for focus and power.

I looked away. "Fine, I'll do it." I said.

Elsa's POV

"Elsa!" My mother called. I ran to the table where she was sitting and I took a seat. "All you have to do is find a prince, and a mother in law wing," Mother told me.

"And lots and lots of mirrors!" We both said at the same time.

Hiro's POV

"Well, there not taking my son because I'd miss him too much." I heard Scarlet say.

"Really Mom?" I asked with a smile.

"Of course!" She replied. "Who else would wash clothes, do the dishes, and every other chore that needs to be done!?"

I looked miserable. "Maybe a new school wouldn't be so bad..." I said.

"They have dogs in SFIT." Mom reminded me.

I quickly changed my mind. "I'm not going!" I shouted.

Valka put her hands in her face.

Hiccup's POV

"Hiccup isn't going, either." Dad said. "I need him to steal things." When he asked me, "What did you score?" I pulled out an iPhone, some $100 bills, and other stuff that rich people would have.

Valka's POV

"Am I here?" I said. "Was I talking? People used to be afraid at the mention of our names! For years I have searched for a way off this island for revenge."

I walked towards Gothel and Elsa. "Revenge on Corona and that long haired princess!" I said.

Then I turned to Callaghan. "Revenge on those pesky teens and that fat robot!"

I turned to Scarlet. "Revenge on every single minion that stole your crown."

I raised both of my hands. "And I! Valka, the evilest of all. I will finally have my revenge on Berk. M.G, give her the mirror."

Elsa's POV

"So this is your mirror?" I asked when my mother handed me her mirror.

"It ain't what it used to be." she said.

"My spell book!" Valka shouted. She rushed towards the refrigerator.

Honey Lemon's POV

Mom handed me her spell book once she got the refrigerator open. "It only works in San Fransokyo." She told me.

We heard a horn honk outside.

"The limo's here!" Hiccup said. "Let's get this party started!"

When everyone was outside, Valka led me to the balcony, which showed a clear view of San Fransokyo.

"The future of the free world rests on your shoulders." She told me. "Don't blow it."

I started at San Fransokyo a little longer until Mother called my name.

"Honey Lemon! You're going to be late!"

I took one last glance before going outside.

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