♡7♡ You had one job, Hiccup.

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Still Honey Lemon's POV

Elsa showed me to the place where they found the wand. It shined bright with a blue ray of light, and Hiccup reached to get it.

"Hiccup, don't!" I said. He just smirked and tried to touch the wand,

Which ended up being a forcefield!

A loud siren came on, and we heard footsteps. "Let's go!" I said.

Hiro's POV

We managed to escape without getting caught, but thanks to my tech skills, I turned off the alarm.

I picked up the phone, which was ringing.

"Hello?... Yeah, it's fine. ... It was a malfunction in one of the halls." I quickly hung up. (I forgot what he said in the movie so I'm probably wrong)

"Hiro!" Honey Lemon called.

"Your Welcome!" I replied and ran with them.

"Thanks a lot, Hiccup." said Honey as we ran. "Now we have to go to school tomorrow!"

At least we were close to getting the wand...

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