♡9♡ Hans and the rabid pack animal

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Riley may be more useful than I thought. Hello, Plan B!

Also, I liked her short hair better. Just saying.

Elsa's POV

During chemistry class, I gazed at the guy sitting across from me.

"Any chance he's in line for a throne?" I asked Jack. "Anywhere, in line?"

"Hans Charming." Said Jack. "Cinderella's son. Hans inherited the charm, but not a lot of there, there. You know?"

"It looks like there there to me." I said and smiled.

"Elsa!" I heard our chemistry teacher, Mr. Krei, say. "Perhaps this is just review for you. So tell me, What is the average atomic weight of silver?"

"Atomic weight?" I asked. "Not very much, it's an atom, right?" Me and Hans laughed.

Mr. Krei made me go up and write the problem on the board.

"How do I find the average atomic weight of silver?" I said, restating the question. But really, I was looking down at my mother's mirror.

"That would be: 106.905 x .5200 + 108.905 x .4800, which, Mr. Krei, would give us 107.9 amu." I explained.

"It was a mistake to underestimate-"

"A villain?" I asked, handing him the chalk. "Don't make it again."

When I walked back to my seat, Hans handed me a note that said, "Meet me under the bleachers at 3"

I nodded and smiled. We gazed into each other's eyes as Jack frowned.

Hiro's POV

"Alright, Hiro." said Tadashi. "Were gonna do some sprints. Ready?"

I nodded. Suddenly, a dog came out of nowhere! I screamed and ran as fast as I could. I didn't even stop when I got to the end of the field, I just kept running into the forest.

"Hiro!" Tadashi shouted when he caught up with me.

"Tadashi! Help me!!!" I yelled. I pointed to the white dog. "That thing us a killer! It's gonna come at me and tear out my throat! This is a vicious rabid pack animal!"

Tadashi picked up the dog. "Who told you that?" he asked.

"My mother." I said.

"Scarlet Overkill?" Tadashi asked.

I nodded. "She's a dog expert. A dog yellerer. And why are you holding him, he's gonna attack you!"

Tadashi smiled. "You never really met a dog, have you?" he asked.

"Of course not!" I said.

"Bolt, this is Hiro." Tadashi said to the dog. Then he looked at me. "Hiro, this is Bolt, the campus mutt."

I took a closer look at the dog. "He sure doesn't look like a rabid pack animal." I picked up Bolt from Tadashi's hands.

Tadashi put a hand on my shoulder. "Good Boy." he said. "Uh! I mean... Your a fast runner. I'm gonna go back on the field. You two get to know each other a little bit."

Maybe everything mom told me was wrong. Maybe dogs are good. Does this mean I'm good? I thought.

Elsa's POV

Later that day, I was with Hans under the bleachers at 3, just like he told me.

"Is everybody at home as pretty as you?" He asked.

"I like to think I'm the fairest of them all." I said and blushed. "How many rooms are in your castle?"

"Too many to count." said Hans. I was about to kiss him, until he said, "You really nailed that chemistry problem today. You're gonna have all the nerds fall in love with you."

"I'm not that smart." I said. I pulled out my magic mirror. "See this? If I ask where something is, it'll tell me."

Hans snatched the mirror out of my hand. "Where's my cellphone?" he asked the mirror.

"It won't work for you, silly." I said.

"It's okay. I can just have my Dad buy a new one." he said.

"Prince Charming, and Cinderella." I said dreamily. "Mrs. Anderson. Hey, I heard her wand is in a boring museum. Do they always leave it there?"

We were about to kiss again but then Hans turned dramatically. "I'm just swamped!" he said. "Unless... If you do my homework for me... Maybe we could, hang out?"

I nodded and smiled. "Of course!" I said taking his backpack.

"Thanks, babe." he said and winked. When he walked away, I heard a familiar voice.

"I couldn't help but overhear-"

I turned to see who was talking. "Are you stalking me?" I asked Jack.

"Technically, yes." he said. "I, too, have a fascination for Mrs. Anderson's wand. Which is why I'm looking forward to see her bless Tadashi with it during the coronation. Maybe we could sit together and discuss it's attributes?"

I paused. "Are you saying they use it in the coronation?" I asked.

"Yeah." Jack replied. "And I'm asking you out...?"

I smiled and just walked away.

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