♡5♡ Meeting the "good" kids

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San Fransokyo Institute of Technology...

Yeah. I'm officially gonna be sick.

Still Honey Lemon's POV

When we arrived at SFIT, there was a huge crowd waving flags that said, "Welcome!" And people smiling at us, waving.

"Welcome to the Institute of Technology." A woman said, greeting us. She had brown hair with glasses. "I'm Mrs. Anderson, Headmistress."

"The, Mrs. Anderson?" I asked. Mrs. Anderson nodded.

I tall teenager walked up to us and shook hands. "It's so great to finally meet you all." he said. "I'm Tadashi-"

"Prince Tadashi." another teen said. She looked so happy for some reason, it just made me sick. "A soon to be king!"

Elsa stepped forward. "You had me at prince!" She said. "My mom is a queen, which makes me a princess." Elsa bowed down.

"Mother Gothel has no royal status here, so neither do you." The girl said and smiled. Elsa glared at her.

Just looking at her short black hair with purple streaks made me mad.

"This is Gogo-" Tadashi said, but got cut off.

"Princess Gogo." she corrected. "His girlfriend!" Gogo held hands with Tadashi.

"Tadashi and Gogo are going to show you around." Mrs. Anderson said. "The doors of wisdom are never shut! But library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00. I have a thing about curfews."

We walked into the school. "So is there any magic here?" I asked.

"Yeah but it's retired." Tadashi replied.

"And our royal blood goes back hundreds of years." Said Gogo, bringing in an unrelated topic.

"Jack!" Tadashi called to another teenager with white hair and blue eyes, just like Elsa

"This is Jack. Jack Frost." Tadashi introduced. "We'll be explaining your classes."

"If you need anything, feel free to ask him." Said Gogo, and she and Tadashi walked back into another room.

"Okay, I have your classes listed right here and-" Jack looked up and saw Elsa. "Hi ho!" He said nervously.

Elsa stepped forward. "Elsa. Mother Gothel's daughter." she said.

"So, about your classes." Jack continued. "There's History of Woodsmen and Pirates, Safety rules for the Internet, and Remedial Goodness 101."

"Let me guess," I said. "New classes?" Jack nodded.

"Come on guys," I said. "Let's go find our dorms."

Jack pointed to which way the dorms were and we walked in that direction.

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