♡17♡ The coronation

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Operation steal the wand is a go. They want evil? We'll show these suckers evil. San Fransokyo Institute of Technology will get what's coming to them.

Valka's daughter is back.

Still Honey Lemon's POV

It was the big day. The day Tadashi would be crowned King of San Fransokyo and live in a big, fancy, mansion. Unfortunately, My friends and I had other plans.

Thousands of people had gathered, and I saw lots and lots of camera's in my face when Tadashi and I were sitting in a carriage.

I glanced at the blue box that contained the cupcake which would break the love spell. "Don't be nervous." said Tadashi. "All you have to do it sit there and look beautiful. No problem there."

"Thank you." I said. "I have something for you." I pulled out the blue box.

Tadashi opened it. "It's just something to keep your carbs up after the ceremony." I told him.

"Always thankful," said Tadashi. "But I can't wait." he took a bite from the cupcake.

"No!" I said. Tadashi munched on the sweet treat. "Mm, this is really good." he said.

"Do you feel different?" I asked. "Do you still have strong feelings for me?"

"I don't know." said Tadashi as he finished his bite. "Let's wait a few minutes for the love potion to take affect."

"Okay." I said. But then I realized... "Wait, what?" Tadashi bursted out laughing. "You knew?"

"That you spelled me?" Asked Tadashi. "Of course I knew. But I totally get it. You had a crush on me, I was dating Gogo. Am I right?"

I had to lie in order for my plan to not be revealed. "Uh... Yeah! Totally right. So how long have you known?"

"Since our first date." said Tadashi. "After I used the bathroom, the spell wore off while I was washing my hands."

"So, you've been faking it since then?" I asked.

Tadashi took his hat off and placed it on my head. It didn't match with my pink outfit and purse, but I didn't really care. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "I haven't been faking anything." He said. I smiled.

Time skip to the ceremony

I sat down at the very front row, and saw Elsa, Hiccup, and Hiro sitting on the balcony. Back down below, Mrs. Anderson placed a gold crown on Tadashi's head.

She grabbed her wand. "Do you swear that you will protect the city of San Fransokyo?"

Tadashi looked up. "I do solely swear." he said.

Now's my chance... I thought.

"Then it is my great honor, and my joy, to bless our new k-"

Before Mrs. Anderson could finish, the wand was no longer in her hand.

Well... One of my headphones stopped working. Great. Juussst great.

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