♡6♡ Evil Like Me (Song #2)

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It's time to make a plan to steal the wand.

The sooner we get out of here, the better.

Hiccup's POV

Later that night, everyone was hanging out in me and Hiro's dorm room, trying to make a plan for the wand.

"What are you doing?" Honey Lemon asked me. I had a few gold rings, tokens, a coin purse, a watch, a few french fries, and a half eaten pizza.

"It's called stealing." I explained. "It's like buying whatever I want- except it's free."

"You know, you could just leave this here and pick it up when we take over the world." Honey told me.

"Omg! You sound just like Valka." Said Elsa.

"Thank you!" Honey said with a smile.

"You do you, and I do me." I said to her.

Honey Lemon's POV

"Die, suckers!" Hiro shouted at the TV screen. "Hiccup, you have to check thus out!"

I started getting frustrated. "Ahem. Do any of you remember what we're here for?" I said.

"Mrs. Anderson, blah blah blah." said Hiccup as he played a level on Hiro's video game. "Magic Wand, blah blah blah."

Hiro and Elsa laughed.

"This is our one chance!" I shouted. "To prove ourselves to our parents."

Everyone stopped laughing and looked at me.

"To prove that we are evil, vicious, ruthless, and cruel! Yeah?!"

Hiccup, Elsa and Hiro nodded. I really do sound like my mom... I thought, which made me think twice.

"Elsa. Mirror." I commanded. She walk towards me with her mirror and she spoke to it.

"Mirror, Mirror, in my hand, where does Mrs. Anderson's wand... Stand?"

The magic mirror showed a place that looked like a museum. "But where is it?" I asked.

Hiro googled the museum on his laptop. "It's 2.3 miles away from here." he said.

We grabbed our things and headed out for the wand.

Time skip

We walked through the halls and stairs, looking for the wand, until we saw statues of our parents.

"Mommy?" asked Elsa.

"Killer." Hiccup said.

"I will never forget Mother's Day again." Said Hiro.

"Well, the wand isn't here." Hiccup said. "Let's bounce." He walked back along with Elsa and Hiro.

[Song #2]

I just kept looking at the statue, remembering the final words Valka told me before I left.

"The future of the free world rests on your shoulders. Don't blow it."

Honey Lemon: Look at you, look at me. I don't know who to be, Mother.

Is it wrong? Is it right? Be a thief in the night? Mother,

Tell me what to do.

"Honey, come on." I heard Elsa say.

But once I turned around I heard a familiar laughter. I turned back to see.

"Don't be so serious, darling!" My mother said. The statue had came to life!

Valka: I was once like you, my child. Slightly insecure. Argued with my mother, too. Thought I was mature.

But I put my heart aside and I used my head! Now I think it's time you learned what dear old mama says...

Don't you wanna be Evil, Like Me? Don't you wanna be mean?
Don't you wanna make mischief, your daily, routine?

Well, you can spend your life attending to the poor. But when you're evil doing less is doing more!

Don't you wanna be ruthless, and rotten, and mad?
Don't you wanna be very very good at being bad?

I have tried my whole life long, to do the worst I can. Clawed my way to victory! Built my master plan.

Now the time has come my dear, for you to take your place. Promise me you'll try to be, an absolute disgrace.

Don't you wanna be Evil, Like Me?
Don't you wanna be nasty, and brutal, and cool?

And when you grab that wand, that's when your rein begins. Who wants and evil queen, without a sack of sins?

Don't you wanna be heartless, and hardened, as stone?
Don't you wanna be finger licking evil to the bone?

This is not for us to ponder, this was preordained. You and I shall rule together, freedom soon regained!

Mistress of the universe, powerful and strong! Daughter, here me. Help me, join me!

Won't you sing along?

Honey Lemon and Valka: Now we're gonna be evil! It's true, never gonna think twice.

Honey Lemon: And we're gonna be spiteful!!!

Valka: Yes, spiteful. That's nice!

In just an hour or two our future's safe and sure. This mother daughter act is, going out on tour!

If you wanna be evil, and awful, and free! Than you should thank your lucky star, that you were born the girl you are!

The daughter of an evilicious queen, like Me!!!!!!! *evil laugh*

"Hey!" Elsa said again. "I found the wand, let's go!"

I looked at the statue one more time before leaving with Elsa.

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