♡18♡ Listen to your heart

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So I did some research and it turns out the queen of Arendelle's name is Queen Idun. Kind of hard to believe though...

The moment of truth has arrived. Why do I feel so unprepared?

Still Honey's POV

I heard a loud rumble from the outside. The wand was so powerful, the barrier on Arendelle must have broken. My friends rushed down the stairs.

"Child, what are you doing?" asked Mrs. Anderson. Everyone panicked. But it wasn't me who had the wand. It was Riley!

"If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself!" she yelled. I ran up to her and snatched the wand, just to make sure she didn't do anymore damage.

"Honey Lemon, give me the wand." Tadashi commanded.

"Stand back." I said.

"Just give it."

"I said STAND BACK!!!"

"I told you so!" said Gogo. I aimed the wand at her and she backed away.

My friends caught up to me. "Come on, let's go!" said Hiro.

"Revenge time." Hiccup reminded me.

"Do you really want to do this?" Tadashi asked.

"We don't have a choice, Tadashi!" I said, tears forming in my eyes. "Our parents-"

"Your parents made their choice," said Tadashi. "Now you make yours."

I thought about what we said. Everyone was silent, waiting for what my next move would be. "I think I want to be good." I said finally.

"You are good!" Tadashi told me.

"But how do you know that?!" I shouted.

"Because.... Because I'm listening to my heart." said Tadashi.

I stayed silent for a few more moments, until I put the wand down. "I want to listen to my heart, too." I turned around to face my friends. "And my heart is telling me that we are not our parents."

"Stealing things don't make you happy," I told Hiccup. "Playing tourney on the field makes you happy." I turned to Hiro. "And rubbing Bolt's belly makes you happy, who would've thought?" Hiro laughed a little before I faced Elsa. "And Elsa, you do not have to play dumb to get a guy, you are so smart!"

I was already crying by then. "I don't want to take over the world with evil, it doesn't make me happy. I want to go to school." I said. "And I want to be with Tadashi." I turned to face him. "Because Tadashi makes me really happy."

I turned back to my friends. "Us being friends makes me really happy. Not destroying things." Elsa shook her head and smiled. I put my fist out. "I choose good, you guys."

I looked around, it almost seemed like no one would choose good. But then, Hiccup put his fist in. "I choose good, too." he said.

Elsa put her fist in as well. "Me too."

We all looked at Hiro. "So, we don't don't care what our parents think?" he asked. "Because they're gonna be really mad at us."

We all laughed. "Your parents can't reach you here." said Tadashi.

Hiro put his fist in. "Okay then, good it is."

Everyone applauded and Tadashi put his fist in as well. It seemed as if our story was about to end with a "Happily Ever After", but it didn't.

Instead, a huge cloud of smoke appeared, revealing my mother.

"I'm baaaack!"

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