♡14♡ If Only... (Song #4)

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My date with Tadashi is about to begin. Is it weird that I'm secretly looking forward to it? Shhh!

Still Honey Lemon's POV

I opened the door and saw Tadashi with two helmets. "For the first time, I understand the difference between pretty and beautiful." he said. "I hope you like bikes."

I took a step out of the dorm and gave Elsa one last glance.

Time skip

"Tell me something that you've never told anyone." Said Tadashi as we walked across the San Fransokyo bridge.

"Well... My middle name... Is Genesis." I said. (Fun fact: Honey Lemon's voice actress is named Genesis Rodriguez.)

Tadashi laughed. "Mine's Daniel." (Fun fact #2: Tadashi's voice actor is named Daniel Henny. Speaking of Daniel, DAMN DANIEL. BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH THE WHITE VANS.)

I laughed as well. "Oh, how princely." I said.

"It's better than Genesis." Said Tadashi.

Another Time skip XD

"Okay, Open your eyes."

I opened my eyes. I saw an amazing view of San Fransokyo, including SFIT and A faraway view of Arendelle, with it's magical barrier surrounding it.

We were at the top of a building, where cars go for parking, and there was a picnic blanket filled with treats like Jelly Doughnuts and Strawberries.

I quickly ran to a jelly doughnut and munched it down.

"Is this your first time?" Tadashi asked.

"We don't really... Date much on Arendelle." I explained while eating the doughnut. "It's more like.... A gang activity."

"I meant is this your first time eating a jelly doughnut?"

I stared at him blankly. "Is it bad?" I asked.

Tadashi wiped off some doughnut powder off my lips. "You know, I've done all the talking. Your turn."

I took a deep breath. "Well, I'm 17, I'm an only child, and I've only lived in one place."

"No way, me too!" Tadashi smiled. "We have so much in common already!"

I shook my head. "Trust me, we don't. But now you're going to be king, and rule this beautiful town in a huge mansion right by the school."

Tadashi's smile faded. "A crown doesn't make you a king."

"It kind of does." I told him.

"Honey, your mom is the mistress of evil, and I've got an Aunt that does everything good. But we're not automatically like them." He said. "We get to choose who we're gonna be. And right now, I can look into your eyes, and I can tell you're not evil."

I looked away, afraid of what he might see in my eyes.

"Well, I'm gonna go use the bathroom really quick." Tadashi stood up, and headed for the door to the building.

When he was gone, I thought about what he said. 'I can look into your eyes, and I can tell you're not evil.'

Was I bad? Was I good? I couldn't decide.

[Song #4]

A million thoughts, in my head. Should I let my heart, keep listening? Cause up till now, I've walked the line. Nothing lost, but something missing.

I can't decide, what's wrong, what's right. Which way, should I go?

If only I knew what my, heart was, telling me. Don't know what I'm feeling. Is this just a dream? Oh oh, yeah.
If only I can read the, signs in, front of me. I can find the way to, who I'm meant to be, oh oh. If only.

If only. If only.

Every step, every word, with every hour, I'm falling in. To something new, something brave, to someone I, I have never been.

I can't, decide, what's wrong, what's right. Which way, should I go?

If only I knew what my, heart was, telling me! Don't know what I'm feeling, is this just a dream? Oh oh, yeah.
If only I can read the, signs in, front of me! I can find the way to, who I'm meant to be, oh oh. If only. Yeah!

Am I, crazy? Maybe, we could happen. Yeah.
Will you, still be, with me, when the magic's all run out?

If only I knew what my, heart was, telling me. Don't know what I'm feeling, is this just a dream?! Oh oh.
If only I can read the, signs in front of me, I can find the way to, who I'm meant to be! Oh oh.

If only, Yeah! If only, Yeah! If only, Yeah! If only. If only.

If only.

I looked around the place and realized Tadashi didn't come back yet.

I opened the door that led to a hallway with 2 doors. One for the girls' bathroom and one for the boys' bathroom.

I knocked on the boys' bathroom door. "Tadashi?" I said.

I accidentally pushed it open, and he wasn't even in there!


Terrified, I turned around to see Tadashi. I playfully slapped him on the shoulder. "You scared me!" I said.

"And you still tried to go looking for me, just because you were worried." Tadashi said with a smile.

"Yeah, and do you thank me? No!" I said and stomped my way back to the picnic.

Tadashi looked at me seriously. "Honey, when I said that I loved you... What about you? Do you love me?"

I looked away. "I don't know what love feels like." I admitted.

Tadashi turned my head. "Maybe I can teach you." he said.

Maybe he can... I thought

Feels. Feels everywhere. Also OTP moment.(ノ*>∀<)ノ♡

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