♡8♡ First Day of School

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We still don't have the wand. Now what?

I guess we'll have to survive school until we think of Plan B.

Honey Lemon's POV

The next day, we were learning about goodness with Mrs. Anderson, and yes we were the only people enrolled in that class.

"If someone handed you a crying baby," Said Mrs. Anderson. "Would you A. Curse it. B. Lock it in a tower. C. Give it a bottle. D. Carve out it's heart?"

Elsa raised her hand. "What was the second one?" She asked.

I didn't really listen that much because I was too busy sketching the wand.

"Honey?" Mrs. Anderson called.

I looked up to see the answers. "C, give it a bottle." I replied.

"Correct... Again."

"You are on Fire, girl!" Hiro told me.

"I just pick the one that doesn't sound like fun." I explained.

The three of them said, "Ohhh."

Then, A young teen walked up to Mrs. Anderson and gave her a clipboard. The girl got scared and speed walked when she saw us.

"Hello, dear one." Mrs Anderson said, greeting the girl. "Everyone, meet my daughter, Riley."

"Mom!" Riley whispered loudly.

I looked at her up and down. "Don't mind me." she said. "As you were."

She quickly ran away. I smirked to myself.

"Moving on," Mrs. Anderson said. "When you find poison, do you A, put it in the kings wine. B, paint it on an apple."

Elsa smiled brightly at that answer.

"Or C, return it to the proper authorities?"

3 hands went straight up. I saw Hiccup pushed Hiro's hand down, and he was called on.

"C. You turn it over to the proper authorities." Hiccup said in a cool way.

"I was gonna say that!" Hiro whined.

"But I said it first!" Hiccup said teasingly.

The two started fighting.

"Boys!" Mrs. Anderson shouted. "I encourage you two to use that behavior out on the tourney field."

"It's okay." Said Hiccup. "Whatever it is... We'll pass."

Hiro's POV

The next thing I knew, I was out on the tourney field with my gear on.

"Hiccup, Tadashi, you guys are offense." The coach said. "Hans, you're defense!"

The coach saw me and yelled, "Hey! Put your helmet on and get out if the kill zone!"

Kill zone? I thought.

Hiccup's POV

The coach blew the whistle and the play began. I was off like a shot. I ran right past Hiro and he fell to the floor. I hit Hans with his buckler and he fell as well. With the ball, I dodged the flying balls in the kill zone.

Hiro's POV

Meanwhile, I was crawling the whole time just to avoid getting hit by the balls. But Tadashi came and helped me back on my feet.

I saw Hiccup slam the ball into the net. The cheerleaders cheered. (Except Gogo)

Doing a victory dance, Hiccup stopped when the coach yelled, "You! Get over here!"

Hiccup's POV

I ran over to the coach to see what was up. "What do you call that?" he asked me. But then he smiled. "I call that raw talent. Welcome to the team! Come see my later and I'll show you something you've never seen before. It's called a rule book."

Coach blew his whistle again, and I soon as I turned around, all I saw was Hans giving me a nasty glare. I bumped him hard and walked onto the tourney field.

Honey Lemon's POV

"Bye, Honey." said Elsa as she walked to her next class. I opened my locker (which had 'Long Live Evil' sprayed on it.) and looked for my spell book.

I heard obnoxious laughter coming my way but then it stopped. Right away I new it was Gogo and Hans.

"Those kids are trouble." I heard Hans say to Tadashi.

"Come on," he said. "Give them a chance."

"No offense, but you're too trusting!" Said Gogo. "The dragon theif is just the dragon theif! That girl's mother!"

"I think you're wrong about them." Said Tadashi.

I closed my locker and he was the first thing I saw. "How was your first day?" he asked.

"Super." I replied.

Tadashi looked at my locker. "You should really take this talent into art class. I can sign you up if you want."

I glanced at Riley, who walked past me. I had an idea. "Way to take all the fun out of it." I said and smiled. I followed Riley, taking my spell book with me.

Riley's POV

I was in the bathroom, looking at my hair in the mirror when Honey Lemon walked in.

"Hi!" She said. "It's Riley, right? I've always loved that name: Riley."

"That's cool." I said nervously and headed towards the door.

"Don't go!" Honey shouted. "I... Was just wanting to make a friend. But you probably have all of the friends you need."

"Hardly." I replied. "I'd rather be pretty. You've got great hair!"

Honey Lemon looked at her hair. "This? You know what, I have just the spell for that." She looked in her book.

"Beware, for swear, replace the old with brand new hair!"

With a few waves of her fingers, Honey Lemon transformed my original blonde hair and made it longer and better!

I looked in the mirror, I looked like I could be Honey Lemon's little sister. "Wow!" she said. "You don't even notice your other features!"

"Do my nose!" I said excitedly.

"I can't do that kind of magic." Honey told me. "Not like your mom! With her wand! One swoosh from that and you can have whatever features you want!"

"She doesn't use it anymore." I said with a frown.

"But she used magic on Cinderella." Honey told me. "And she wasn't even her real daughter. Doesn't she love you?"

I looked at the floor.

"That's the face!" Honey shouted. "Yeah, and pretend your heart is about to break."

She pretended to be me. "Oh, mother. I just don't understand why you can't make me, beautiful, too."

"You think it will work?" I asked. Honey nodded. "And if she does pull out the wand, invite me!"

"If I can convince mom, you're so there." I said and walked away with a smile.

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