Chapter 3

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I woke up after feeling a nudge on my shoulder "What?" I groaned opening my eyes to see (M/n) looking at me ".......We're here...." He said blankly before opening the carriage door and got out, waiting for me and Yao outside of the carriage "May? Are we here yet?" I heard Yao asked rubbing his eyes and I nodded "Yep! Come one let's get out of here and get inside so we can sleep!" I said sleepy but happily before getting out with the help of (M/n) and waited for Yao. He got out and (M/n) closed the door then waves off the coachman "Did you even pay him?" I asked raising an eyebrow looking at (M/n), who wink at me and put his finger to his lip as if he was shushing me to be quiet, I saw Ciel walk towards us with his butler behind him, I smiled "Why don't we get some sleep and discuss the case in the morning" Ciel suggested and I nodded.

I followed Ciel inside and I saw (M/n) carried Yao, who was fast asleep and resting his head on (M/n) shoulder making me smile again. I turned to (M/n) and reached out my arms "I'll take go investigate this Manor" I whispered and (M/n) handed me Yao, I smiled and nodded off (M/n) then watched him walk away. I looked at Yao, who is still asleep and walked up the stairs following Ciel.

I walked down the halls looking around as I walked down the hallway, I noticed how dark it is when it's dark at night. I walked into a room that was fully opened to see it was the library, now I'm interested. I walked around the library to see many books that were in good condition but had dust on them, I felt a presence in the hallway but it disappeared meaning whoever it was walked away from the library door. I looked out the window and saw something on a small table, I looked around and walked towards it to see a picture of the butler here Sebastian I think his name was with a woman that was going to have a baby. I tilted my head then the picture was quickly taken away from me by someone behind me "You shouldn't have been looking in here, or this" Sebastian said glaring at me, putting the picture back where it was before. I narrowed my eyes then walked away to the door but stopped ".......sorry......for your loss...." I said blankly before walking out with the door closing behind me.

My eyes widen when (M/n) walked out, 'How can't he remember me.......his own father? Oh right...... He was taken away from me a few minutes after he was born....' I thought sadly looking at the picture that (M/n) was holding of me and (mothers/name) with a tiny (M/n) inside of her. I put the picture back where it belongs then walked out of the library and went down the hall, I noticed a small light coming from a room "(M/n)?........ What did you find out?" I heard Miss May ask coming from the room as I walked closer ".......nothing much......" (M/n) said. I peeked in the crack to see (M/n) on his knees in front of May, who was sitting on the edge of the bed "What did you see? Did see anything suspicious? Dangerous! Explos-" I saw a hand covers May's mouth "......May......stop talking, please....." (M/n) said with a sweat-drop.

I mentally smiled then saw (M/n) stand up and walked to the window then pushed the curtains together "It's time for bed, have a big day with that bra- Earl....." I smirked and covered my mouth covering my chuckle "I heard that (M/n)!" May said giving (M/n) a glare. (M/n) huffed and blew the bang out of his face only for it to go back "Why don't you cut it? You always blow it away but it comes back" May said and (M/n) shook his head "..... It'll grow back even if I cut's like titanium but hair...." (M/n) said getting a candle that was lit "Goodnight, (M/n)" "Goodnight, My Fair Lady~" I then heard the sound of a pillow hit someone's face "Don't.Even.Dare!!" May shouted as I started to make my way down the hallway, a real smile planted on my face.

I just found my son after all these years, (M/n) does have my looks but has his mother's eyes and skin tone. I looked back to see (M/n) closing the door behind him and sighed before walking the opposite direction of me. I smiled sadly before going into my room.

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