Chapter 1- First day of school

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Casey's P.O.V

"Casey! Hurry up or you'll be late for school!!", yelled my dad from downstairs as i finished my makeup.

"Coming!", i shouted back as i ran downstairs.

I got down and my mom and dad were waiting for me.

"Took you long enough", my dad said crossing his arms.

"Oh shut up lou. She's a girl for heaven sakes", my mom said giving me a hug and a kiss, saying goodbye to me.

"Yeah yeah whatever El, it's not like i haven't put up with it before", dad said rolling his eyes at mum.

"Oh really now little miss perfect", mom said putting her hands on her hips.

"Oh so you want to go now?", dad said as he stepped closer to mom.

"Oh my god would you two stop?! I am gonna be late for school and plus we have to meet everyone at the studio so we can go to school together. So lets go dad!!", i said pulling on his arm.

"Okay, by sweetie, i love you", my mom shouted after me.

"Love you too mom!", i yelled back.

Emma's P.O.V

"Come on people!! If you don't put down the food Em will be late for school!", my mom said as she tried to take the food away from us.

"Hands off!!", dad said stuffing more into his already cramped face.

"Woah, dad, maybe we should go", i said standing up and grabbing my bookbag.

"Okay", he said putting his food to the side.

"What?! So you listen to her but not me?!", mom said.

"Well, atleast she lets me eat", dad said taking my hand and leading me to the door.

"Bye honey, have a good day at school", my mom said waving to me.

"I will!! Bye i love you", i called to her as we walked down the hallway to the car.

Megan's P.O.V

I walked out of my bedroom to the kitchen where my mom and dad were making breakfast.

"Morning mom and dad", i said as i placed a kiss on each of their cheeks.

"Good morning sweetie. How did you sleep", my mom asked as she handed me a plate full of waffles.

"Not good. I kept on waking up amd then feeling really nervous about school", i said digging in.

"Oh my god my baby!! Daddy is here for you. If you need me to pick you up at school i will", dad said running over and giving me a hug and a kiss.

"Um dad, three things. One, i am not a kid anymore. Two, i can't breath, and three, i though you were the mature one of the band", i said pushing him away.

"Well, Megan, three things. One, you are still my baby. Two, you can breath, and three, there is nothing wrong with a man living his daughter and i am not always mature", he said.

"Yeah, how do you think i was born", i said.

"Okay, you were not born because i was drunk, you were born because your mother and i wanted a kid", dad said.

"Um, that's not what uncle Louis told me", i said in a matter of fact tone.

"Uncle Louis did what", my mom said.

"Oh, he is gonna pay", my dad said.

I laughed and then stood up to put my plate in the sink.

"Thanks mom", i said as she was washing the dishes.

"Oh, we have to go now", dad said grabbing his car keys.

"Okay, bye mom, love you", i said side hugging her.

"I love you too", she said kissing my head.

Dad and i then walked to the car and drive off to where we were meeting everyone.

Ariana's P.O.V

"Come on dad!!!", i shouted banging on the door.

"One more second", he said as i heard shuffling from behind the bathroom door.

"Oh my god dad, you take longer than i do!", i yelled, very frustrated.

A few seconds later my mom came to help me.

"For the love of god if you don't hurry up in there zayn i will personally bust this door down!!", my mom shouted as she also banged on the door.

If there was one thing i knew it was that dad was scared of mom. And the convenient part is, he dose whatever she says.

"Sorry girls. Now, i believe we have a school to get to", dad said opening up the door and walking out.

Mom and i followed him.

"Thanks mum", i said hugging her.

"No problem honey. Anything for you", she said.

"Anyways, bye mom, i'll see you after school!", i said kissing her cheek.

"Bye sweetheart. I love you", she said as we ran out the front door.

"Love you too!"

Darcey'S P.O.V

"Madison, where did you put my jeans!", my dad yelled from the master suite.

Dad only called mom by her full name if he was mad. Either that that, he always called her Madi.

"I didn't out them anywhere cranky face!", she shouted.

I was eating my breakfast as i listened to them fight. I looked around, trying to block them out. As i looked around i saw dads jeans laying across the couch. Seriously dad, seriously. I stood up and carried them to the bathroom. I knocked on the door.

"Madison, if you are just gonna-", i cut him off just before he went into another one of his rants.

"Dad, i found your jeans", i said annoyed.

He opened the door just a crack.

"Where?", he asked as he took them from my hands.

"The couch. Now i think you owe mom an apology", i said. "Oh, an hurry up or i will late for school".

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