Chapter 7- Getting picked up

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Casey's P.O.V

It was the end of the day and dad was waiting behind the school for me.

"Dad!", i shouted running over to his car and getting in the passengers seat.

"So cass, what did you do in class that got you in trouble", dad asked as he started up the engine.

"Spitballs", i said smirking.

"Haha, good job", he said high fiveing me.

"Yeah she freaked out and then i got in her face and the whole class laughed at her", i said laughing myself.

"You are just like me", dad said smiling.

"I am glad i am like you dad", i said smiling.

"Good. Because then you would have a boring life like mum", he said.

We both burst out laughing and drive home.

Emma's P.O.V

I ran over to where my dads car was as i was being chased by some kid. I got to the car out of breath.

"Princess are you alright?", dad said as i closed the door behind me.

"Yeah, there was just a kid chasing me", i said as dad started to drive the car.

"Why?", he asked.

"Don't know", i said.

"Well, i got you something you will like", he said reaching into the back seat.

He pulled out two bags of chips and two bottles of Dr Pepper.

"Oh my god dad i am SO hungry!! Thank you", i said as he handed me a bag and a bottle.

"Yeah, I know how hungry you get after school", he said.

We both finished our food i 10 minutes and then stopped at a corner store for more.

Megan's P.O.V

"Hey honey, how was school", dad said embracing me in a hug.

"It was good", i said smiling at dad.

"That's good, so are you ready to go home?", he said as we hopped i the car.


As we drove out of the parking lot, a few teachers came running towards our car with pens and papers about dads age.

"Seriuosly, fans?", dad said.

He then speed off leaving the pouting teachers in a cloud of dust.

Ariana's P.O.V

I ran to the car as a crowd of girls chased after me.

"What the hell do you want!!", i yelled at them as they got closer and closer.

"We want zayn!! We want zayn!!", they yelled.

I got to the car and dad imedeatly speed off.

"Are those seriously fans?", dad said looking over at me.

"Yep", i said out of breath.

"Oh wow, so how was school", he said averting his attention back to the road.

"Not good", i said holding back tears.

"What happened ari?!", dad said.

"Well at lunch there were these guys that pulled my hair and called me a slut ad a bitch and stuff like that", i said holding back my tears.

"What?!", dad practically yelled.

But know i was balling.

"They said nobody liked me and that he was going to beat the shit out of me because i smaked him", i said while sobbing.

"You slapped him?", dad said.

"Yeah. But Darcey is really the one who got rid of him for me", i said as i remembered Darcey beating him up.

"I am so sorry sweetie. I wish i could be there at school with you tomorrow", dad said giving me a sympathetic smile. "Do you want to out for ice cream?".

Darcey's P.O.V

Me and Ross walked out of the school together. I loved this boy. He was amazayn. We talked about random stuff till i saw my dads car.

"Oh, there's my dad, bye", i said.

Before i left, i turned around and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'll text u!!", i shouted as i ran away to my dad.

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