Chapter 12- The next day(school)

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Casey's P.O.V

I sat on the bleachers watching Elliot play rugby with his friends and may i just say, he was killing it out there. I didn't really know if we were going out, but i defiantly like him. I hope he likes me too.

I sat watching them play for a while when they stopped and Elliot came running towards the bleachers. He looked so hot in his muscle shirt which showed off his beautifully trimmed biceps. His jog was perfect and wait a minute, shut up Casey!!! God i over think.

Elliot ran up to me and kissed my cheek.

"Hey babe", he whispered in my ear which gave me goosebumps.

"Hey", was all i could say.

"C'mon, lets go inside", he said grabbing my hand and pulling me to the school.

I acted calm on the outside but on the inside i was freaking out.

Emma's P.O.V

I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss me and Roy shared. What would dad think of it as he is overly protective. Maybe i should just forget about it, i thought.

"Hey Em", Roy said snapping me back to reality.

Just get to the point Emma.

"Roy, can i ask you something?", i said.

"Didn't really give me a choice did you?", he said chuckling.

"Roy, i am trying to be serious", i said.

Looking like he got the memo, he stopped laughing and looked at me.

"What did you want to ask me", i said.

"The kiss last night. Did that mean anything? Or was it nothing? Like do you think we should take this further or just be friends? Like what will my mom and dad think of us, will they like, or hate it? What will everyone else think-"

I was cut off by Roy, once again, smaking his lips into mine. We stayed like this for about 10 seconds when he let go.

"Does that answer anything?", he said and got up and left to go talk to his friends.

I just sighed happily and squealed.

Megan's P.O.V

I was currently sitting on a bench outside studying for an upcoming test while eating my cookies made specially by my dad which weren't that great. But i was hungry.

I didn't tell my parents about last night, only because i didn't want them to make a big fuss about it and call Michael's parents and have them hate each other.

I was was in the middle of studying when i caught something oh of the corner of my eye. I looked up to see Michael with another girl.

At that moment i felt something that i had never felt in my life. My heart raced, my palms were sweaty, i breathed heavily and rage boiled up inside me. I gathered my books and stormed inside.

When i got inside i ran to my locker and grabbed my books for my next class. But when i looked in my mirror i saw a tear slide down my face and my bottom lip quiver.

What the heck is wrong with me?!

Ariana's P.O.V

It had been a month since mom am dad told me that i was going to have a younger sibling. I was excited, but at the same time a little upset. I was so used to being the only child. And plus none of my friends have a younger sibling. Although i did here that Uncle Liam and Aunt Dani were thinking about adopting another kid because they want another one but apparently Aunt Dani had trouble getting preggy with Meg.

I pulled out my phone and decided to call mom. I had so much on my mind lately and she was the only one that would understand.

It rang about three times when mom finally picked up.

"Hello?", she said.

"Hey mom, it's ari", I said.

"Oh hi honey, why are you calling me aren't you supposed to be in school?".

"Well it's break", i said.

"Oh, well what's wrong?", she asked.

"Mom, i really need to talk to you..."

Darcey's P.O.V

"Truth or dare?", Ross asked me.

"Dare", i said.

"I dare you too...", he said as he rubbed his chin in thought.

Ross and i were playing truth or dare with all my friends.

"Well, what's the dare?", i asked getting impatient.

"I dare you to kiss me", he said with a smug smile in his face.

"Is that the best you can do?", i said as i kissed him on the lips.

"No. But it was nice", he said.

"Haha very funny", i said.

"Ok my turn. Ross, truth or dare?", i said.

"Dare", he responded.

"I dare you to... hug me", i said smiling at him.

"Is that the best you can do?", he asked as he hugged me.

"No, but it was nice".


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