Chapter 2- Meeting up

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Casey's P.O.V

Dad and i drove down down the road to the studio where dad and the band did recordings in his red Porsche Carrara. And, even after years since they first became a band, they are STILL one of the top ten most famous bands in the world.

"Dad, how come you and mom act so childish sometimes?", i asked dad who was very focused on the road ahead of us.

"I don't know, i guess we just don't want to grow up", he said chuckling.

"Well, i love it", i said laughing.

"You do?", he asked me.

"Yeah. I mean, who wants boring grown up parents who are no fun", i said.

"Well thanks", dad said. I could see him smiling from the corner of my eye.

"Dad?", i said.

"Yeah muffin?".

"I really couldn't ask for a better dad in the world", i said.

"Really?", he said, suprised.

"Yeah, you are awsome", i said.

"Thanks", he said.

"Hey, you wanna prank the principal after school?", i asked him.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world", he said.

We both burst out laughing. A few minutes later we were at the studio and dad pulled into a parking space.

"So just remember muffins, sassines, teasing, and pranking. That's your motive", dad said.

"Dad, i know okay? Now let's go annoy everybody", i said as we got out of the car and walked over to join everyone over by Uncle Liam's car.

Emma's P.O.V

"How long till we get there?", i asked for about the tenth time in 30 seconds.

"God child, you have been to the studio many other times and we will get there when we get there", dad said annoyed.

"Oh by the way thanks for the ice cap and donuts", i said as i sunk my teeth into my jelly donut that was only the first of the other 18 my dad and i had to eat.

"Just don't tell mum", he said also eating one.

"Don't worry, i won't", i said laughing.

We sat in silence while eating when i broke the quitetness.

"Dad, what if i get bullied again?", i asked dad who seemed suprised by my question.

"Oh, well if anyone bully's you, I will put them in their place", he said joking around trying to lighten the mood.

"Seriously dad, it really hurts", i said.

"Okay, listen em, i know it hurts sweetie, i really do. But I can't nessecarly stop it. I know i am famous and everything, and you are famous too, but you have to learn to put it behind you and be happy. Yes, there are going to be times in your life where you feel like giving up, but just know that you can came to me, and food", he said putting a hand on my thigh.

"Thanks dad. I love you so much, and i am just so happy i have someone to eat everything with", i said.

"No problem, and thank you", he said. "Oh and we are here".

Megan's P.O.V

"Should i put coffe and granola in a tray in bed", my dads voice filled the car as we listened to one of his music albums. Oddly enough, him and i acctually liked their songs.

"Dad, you are a really good singer", i said.

"Thank you honey", he said. "I guess that is where you get your singing skills from".

"Haha yeah", i said.

"Dad?", i asked.


"Is mom okay? You know, now that Grammy is gone, i just notice that she is sad alot", i said feeling sooty for my mum.

"I don't know sweetie", he said.

"Um, do you think we could get somthing for her after school ends?", i asked.

"Sure thing honey", dad said.

"Thanks dad".

Ariana's P.O.V

"Dad, we are gonna die if you don't start focusing on the road instead of the mirror", i said, annoyed that my father was more obsessed about his looks than i was.

"Sorry", he said looking back at the road.

"It's okay, I just don't want to be killed on the first day of school", i said.

"You won't tell your mother will you?", he asked, seemingly scared.

"Of course not dad, i don't want you to die!", i said.

We both started laughing histarically.

"Hey dad, do you think i look good today?", i asked being the self conscious person i am.

"Ari, you are the most beautiful young lady i've ever seen", dad said putting a strand of hair behind my ear and looking at me.

"Thanks", i said.

"No problem", he said smiling.

"Uh dad", i said.


"The road", i said pointing to the road ahead of us.

"Right", he said.

A few minutes later we pulled into the studio parking lot and dad parked the car.

Darcy's P.O.V

Dad and i sat in the car singing along to trouble maker as he drive down the road.

"Why does it feel so good but hurts so bad", we sang.

Then in the middle of the best part, dad's phone went off.


Dad picked it up.

"Hello? Hi honey. Yeah sorry about that- yeah i know. Well sorry if i didn't know! I am not acting like a girl! Oh no you did not- what?! No!! Sorry-"

He set the phone down and had a mad look on his face.

"What's up dad", i asked him.

"I just earned myself a weeks worth of washing dishes", he said pouting.


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