Chapter 4- Principal Malone

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Casey's P.O.V

"Who the heck is that fat, old, ugly man over there that is standing beside vice principle Stacey Cosman", i said.

"Your principle?", dad said unsure.

"No, principle Jones quit. She ran out of the school screaming a week before school ended last year", i said.

"Really?! I wonder who was responsible for that", dad said laughing.

"Hey dad", i said.


"I was the one responsible for that", i said as i tryed to hold my laugh back.

"No your kidding!", dad said.

"Nope. I am not kidding", i said letting my laugh out.

"What did you do?", he asked me.

"It would take forever to explain but let's say i broke her last nerve", i said.

"I have never been so proud of you in my whole life", he said hugging me.

"Haha, i make you so happy", i said.

"So who is that man?", dad said letting me go.

"I think it might be the new principle", i said looking back at the old man.

"Ewwwwww, he looks gross", dad said with a disgusted look on his face.

"Yeah, I already hate him".

Emma's P.O.V

"I just remembered something", i said.

"That is?", dad said taking his look away from the road for only a second.

"We have a new principle this year", i said.

"Oh", dad said focusing on the road again.

"Wait, what if he dosen't let me eat in class?!", i said taking a mini heart attack.

"We'll then he will get a piece of my mind", dad said and we both started laughing.

We pulled into the school parking lot a few minutes later and that's when I saw a big, old man with no hair standing beside the vice principle. That must be the new principle.

Megan's P.O.V

Dad and i pulled into the school and i got out, followed by dad.

"Hey where's principle Jones?", dad asked looking around.

"She quit", i said.

"Why?", dad asked me.

"Casey", i said.

"Go figure", dad said.

We walked over to the man so that dad could meet him. That's dad for you. Always going out of his way to meet people.

"Hello sir, i am Liam Payne and this is my daughter Megan Payne", dad said shaking his hand.

"Well it is very nice to meet you. I am Joe Malone. But you can call me principle Malone Megan", He said smiling at me.

Ariana's P.O.V

Dad and i were outside of the school staring at this old man that was beside the vice principle. Man he was ugly.

"Who is that?!", dad said.

"Don't know but he is scary", i said.

"Wait, is that Liam and Megan talking to him?", dad said looking closer at them.

"Yep", i said.

"Oh well, who cares", dad said.

We both laughed and then said our good byes.

Darcey's P.O.V

Dad and i ran through the halls, peeking in every classroom to see where my teacher was.



"Mrs Lynn?"


"Oh well we won't find her", dad said as he grabbed my hand and took me outside.

There outside was an old man who i was a asumming was the new principle that replaced the old one that Casey took care of.

"Woah, he needs a makeover", dad said.

"Haha, you bet ya", i said laughing.

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